The Advaita Show #43 – Bob's Joint, 02 Sept 2007
December 24, 2007
A Little Bit of Bill
February 2, 2008
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Going to see Bob

I went to Bob’s regular Thursday night session tonight for the first time in AGES and it was wonderful. I’m always amazed at how much I enjoy it and how razor sharp the old bloke is (I’m never sure how old he is but tonight he told me he’s almost 80). If you’ve never been to visit him, DEFINITELY make the trip. You won’t regret it. The good news is, over beers afterwards I think I convinced Eliot and Gilbert to take over the show, so cross your fingers…


  1. Steven Witt says:

    God on ya Cammy…your visit to Fester’s crib made me rush with love….I wanna come and laugh our nothing asses off!!

    And go get ’em Elliot and Dilbert, as long as Cam and I can shoot in on occasion and mess the place up!

    love to all

  2. Marcelo says:

    Ahhh… Bob´s…, When he snapped his fingers at me and said, You Are That!…. he was right! Lucky he didn´t snap his fingers and say “your a chicken!”

    Wouldn´t that have sent me on a path! “I´m a chicken!?” at zero metres I Am Chicken, there is only chicken, there is nothing other than chicken – gravy is an illusion.

    Damn you Monty Python!!!

  3. Helen says:

    Thanks Cam!

    Elliot and Gilbert – please do!

    Helen in LA.

  4. Helen says:

    Thanks Cam!

    Eliot and Gilbert – please do!

    Helen in LA.

  5. Corey Vance says:

    Hell yeah, gimme gimme gimme! 🙂

    Thanks Cam.


  6. Cameron says:

    I forgot to mention how HARD CORE Bob was the other night. I can’t remember the last time I saw him with such a ‘take no prisoners’ approach. Kind of reminded me of the stories you hear about the Niz later in life. There was a new lady who asked Bob about his ‘story’ and he refused to tell her anything, even when it was obvious that she was really feeling uncomfortable and everyone in the room was squirming. He just kept saying to her (in gentle bob tones) “my story isn’t important. what’s important is whether or not you understand what we’re talking about here.” It was funny to watch some other people in the room dive in to try to rescue the woman and resolve the tension but Bob was just calm and direct. No faffing about for him that night.

  7. Mark says:

    I loved reading that you visited Bob, Cam. Hard to believe I started listening to you guys 2.5 years ago.

    Did you record him?

    I’d enjoy the show with Eliot but I will definitely miss hearing Cam, Bob, and Steve. Can you at least keep the Porn music?

  8. Cameron says:

    Mark, I didnt record him but Eliot and Gilbert had recorders going. I’ll see if they can give me a copy of it. Actually Gilbert offered to clean up a few of the Bob recordings for the show (he’s a sound engineer) and I would love for you all to hear last week’s. And what would the show be without the porn music? 🙂

  9. gilbert says:

    Yep, Okay, alright already!
    I have cleaned up the audio from that meeting and I guess we will upload it soon. Gonna check it with Cameron.
    We had a great chat over a beer at a local cafe, after the meeting at Bob’s. For me, Cameron is an ‘info geek’ and he is plugged into so much that is happening ‘out there’ – just gotta try and keep up with his ‘turned on – switched on’ beam of light. The internet sure has changed the ‘world’ we knew ‘yesterday’. Okay, see you around the traps – Gilbert.

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