The Advaita Show #017 – Guru Sex

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January 1, 2006
The Advaita Show #018 – Compassion
January 10, 2006
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The Advaita Show #017 – Guru Sex

The Advaita Show #017 (MP3 – 22MB – 61min)


Welcome to the first Advaita Show of 2006!

Today we had special guests Michael (from Maryland, USA) and Alan (from Brisbane, Australia).


Of course, I had a hellish time getting Bob to hold it up to his mouth…. but you can’t teach an old guru new tricks.

A lot of your questions today related to what Bob experiences in the moment. Oh, and sex. Blame Vicky Woodyard for getting us on to that. ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Dean Raizman says:

    Can I buy Bob a clip-on microphone? Would that help? Do you have enough sockets to handle an additional plug and, if so, what size are they?

    Dean Raizman

  2. five stars
    the best yet by far
    Bob nails it all down … inescapadly That

  3. Richard says:

    Hi. I am learning of superficial similarities between Bob and me. I too have been married 35 years, have been a seeker, a health food store owner, and a merchant sailor.

    Question: Nisargadatta’s semi-famous quote is “When I see I am nothing, that is wisdom. And when I see I am everything, that is love. Between these two my life moves”. To me the everything is what Bob calls presence-awareness, or called Consciousness. But what is the nothing?

    Thanks. Great show.

  4. Mark says:

    Great show! Thanks for sharing the wisdom!

    I have a question about Love. Why do the gurus say God is Love? Love is God. Why do we give it that label, “Love”? The gurus suggest that the ‘Natural State’ of Awareness is pure Loving. But is it really? What’s so loving about it? What does Bob think Love is? Why attatch that particular label?

  5. Stuart says:

    Question for Bob:

    Do you dream at night, and are you aware you are dreaming in the dream?

    Southampton, UK.

    I really look forward to these shows… thanks.

  6. Richard says:

    Sailor Bob, you have been very helpful to me. I wonder if you ever get annoyed with people who don’t catch on to what you are saying, no matter how many ways you say it; or if you ever get tired of people asking stupid questions like this one?

    Bob and Cameron, thanks for bringing us such wisdom.

  7. Steve says:

    Question for Bob:

    There is a strong “sense” of what you are pointing to.
    However, there continues to be this waiting for an ‘event’ to occur in the future. I also sense that this waiting just keeps pushing the recognition that there is no one here farther away. I can see the contradiction that if there is no controlling entity, then who is waiting for the future event, but the ‘individual’ continues to wait and anticipate!!!

    I use the words that “I sense” because I can’t say that I see these things clearly and without doubt. Maybe this is what needs to happen…….I just need to WAIT some more for the FUTURE EVENT!!!

    steve…in canada

  8. Steve of UK says:

    Hi Bob + Cameron
    Thanks for the show.
    Thanking is a concept of course but some concepts seem worth while developing/expressing.
    Does Bob see any value in cultivating compassionate thought/ living etc, even if just like any other object thought is completely transitory and there are no” separate others/self” anyway.
    This question really is
    “When knowing (being)the ultimate truth does the relative stuff take care of it self or like the physical body does it(thought) need some attention?”

    This reminds me of a book Stephen Levine said he MIGHT write ” I am not(OK) Your not (OK) but thats OK.
    Looking forward to a book by Bob titled” No Worries Mate, Aussie Advaita”……..
    My 9 year old daughter some times talks 2 me saying:who am I in this world ?….Do You talk to your kid’s about thisstuff/concepts ??
    Yours from Bournville UK Steve Palmer

  9. Cameron says:

    David writes (via email)

    Hello Cameron,

    Greetings from San Francisco. I love listening to the Advaita show.

    I have a question: The other night, my 8-year old son was crying in his bed. When I asked him what was wrong, he said, “I’m afraid of dying.”

    Now surely, my son can’t grasp the idea that he is THAT and his worries are just vibrations appearing in that. He can’t help but feel separate as an 8 year old. But I’m wondering how Bob would respond to my son.

    Thanks a lot!

    — David

  10. David-Baltimore says:

    Hi Cameron and Bob,
    This show is great! And thanks for adding the new Itunes Subscribe button. I was having no luck in importing the podcasts to my Ipod before that.

    My questions are: When Bob finally got “it” after meeting with Nisargadatta, did Bob still occasionally move between being identified as a personality and as intellegence-energy?
    If so, what specifically happened that led to the intelligence-energy finally and “permanently” outshining the personality?

    Thanks for everything (and no thing:-))
    David from Baltimore, MD

  11. glenn thomson says:

    Really enjoyed the show especially the valliant attempts to capture Bob’s omnipresent voice.

    I was struck by your comment that the definition of consciousness is not what would typically be associated with western psychology. This has always been a little difficult for me.

    When Bob talks of intelligence energy does this equate to what I feel as awareness or can it be unconscious of that sense of being ?

    I have been struck with the idea that this sense of being is exaclty the same awareness we are all feeling in this moment. Sensation and thought arise but that awareness contains everything and is the same awareness experienced by my daughter, wife and all there is.

    Hope to hear more from the clock ;))



  12. Ravi says:

    Thanks guys !!!!!!!!!! as usual EXCELLENT SHOW!!!

    1) Different ways of looking at the illusion: Bob’s analogy of the mirror is the best (Cameron with the TV analogy is second best ๐Ÿ™‚ )- This is central theme of the giant spiritual work of Adi Shankaracharya – The Vivekachudamani- Viveka implying that discrimination between what is and is not Real. And he- but there is the other way to define this Illusion
    (check out Harun yahya’s website The other way is what I like to call the “The BRAIN IN A VAT” illusion = The Movie Matrix is really a different vantage point of one the most controversial philosophies in Epistemiology. The movie Matrix is a parody of a parody. The REAL way of looking at the “apparent reality” is that there is no way to prove that the world exists, its all electrical signals reaching the brain.right???? Which way of looking at the illusion is REAL?? Ha! Ha!

    2) If this psychosomatic organism doessn’t have any volition, how can “i” have the choice of questioning who am I????

    3) All problems are because of the vantage point of a seperate individual. But do “i” have the choice of choosing the vantage point???

    Twice a week guys – YOU JUST CAN’T SQUEEZE REALITY IN A 45 MIN SHOW ONCE A WEEK – Please twice a week


  13. Master Zen says:

    Maharaj was my guru also. Now I know what I am. I’m a Sun-Shining-Presence! and so are you! Would love to be on the show some day. Keep up the good work. Shining Bright, MZ

  14. Jimmie mac says:

    When you get angry and instantaneously realize no one is there to get angry, what do you do? With the energy, I mean? Do you let it play out in whatever form it’s in because it doesn’t really matter? Or does the awareness somehow take over and disolve the burning feelings. Because I drive a lot here in Los Angeles, and some days I just want to rip people’s fucking heads off!!!! Just curious. This seems to be one of my recurring plays in this dream called life. Much love
    Everybody says it, but here goes “Love the show”
    Jimmie Mac Los Angeles California

  15. Gareth says:

    Thanks for the excellent show .

    Since there is No time why not take the batteries out of the clock?

    My question to Bob is this :

    It seems that many have awakenings where the phantom self is seen through,
    but very few get to where this becomes a permanent reality.
    Why is this are we missing something?

    ps Have you any idea how many people tune in to the show?

    Gareth London

  16. jason says:

    Great show Cameron,

    A question for Bob: as the Guru, the One etc., can you tell me when St Kilda are going to win the premiership?

    I thought it couldn’t hurt to ask and it seems a little more real than all this talk of awareness, intelligence energy and the like…


  17. Luly says:

    Love your commentaries and questions.
    Your 3rd point has rattled around in my mind for a very long time.
    If I may comment, you ask –
    “All problems are because of the vantage point of a seperate individual. But do รขโ‚ฌล“iรขโ‚ฌย have the choice of choosing the vantage point???”
    My conclusion (and direct experience) has been that the answer is non-existant or simply an emphatic NO!.
    The problem, or question itself, is a cunumdrum, a paradox, and the answer, if any, lies in simply seeing that there is no answer because the question is irrelevant.
    When this hit through to the core of my being (for lack of a better way to express this ‘understanding’) the question and the need for an answer just evaporated. There is no point in asking and yet asking happens. As does forgetting, as welll as getting lost in the character and its foibles. C’est la vie!
    Now ‘I’ just enjoy the play of questioning and the poetry of the attempts to answer. (This includes, of course, the occasional sense of frustration at expression. But who is expressing it and to whom??!)
    Then, when I see that I am speaking to myself it changes the whole experience to joyous fun and sometimes irreverent humor.
    Bob, Cameron,
    I love to listen to this podcast and hear the many ways in which the mind keeps playing/fleshing out the ‘character’ that isn’t.
    Well, what else is there to do?!!
    This playing out of the ‘character’ is the best show in town! Hell’s bells, it’s the only show in town!

  18. Richard says:


    “i” doesn’t have the choice of questioning anything. And “i” doesn’t have the choice of choosing a vantage point. Because there ain’t no friggin “i”! How do I know this? I don’t. Because there ain’t no friggin “I” to know or not know anything.


  19. Cameron says:

    Dean, sorry I didn’t get back to you before about the lapel mic. If you can find one that is a compressor mic with a battery, let me know. It would need to have a 3.5mm male connector.

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