Sailor Bob the Biker Boy
March 3, 2006
The Advaita Show #023 – "I Am That… BUT"
March 7, 2006
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Show? What Show?

Don’t ask. Next show postponed until Tuesday. Sorry folks.


  1. Luly says:

    hi Bob (et al),
    there’s something that preplexes me. (if i think about it)
    presence, ‘this’ presence, that ‘i’ experience here, is limited to this place, these senses, this point of view, if you will.
    but then, what is omnipresent consciousness? is it everywhere, everything, nowhere and no one? where is this ‘everywhere’, this ‘everything’, etc., that is manifest?
    isn’t it just an idea in mind?
    what is omnipresence? or omniscience?
    it seems that there definitely are ‘places’ other than the one i’m in, here, now.
    and also, it seems that there are definitely ‘other’ points of view, so to speak, yours, as opposed to, mine here.
    can you attempt to clarify this for me? it’s like a flip-flopping between this sense of a particular point of view and the sortof general big picture view.
    i mean, this really gets confusing! (when i think about it)

  2. “This world has no marks, signs, or evidence of existence, nor the noises in it, like accident of wind or voices or heehawing animals, yet listen closely the eternal hush of silence goes on and on throughout all this, and has been gong on, and will go on and on. This is because the world is nothing but a dream and is just thought of and the everlasting eternity pays no attention to it. At night under the moon, or in a quiet room, hush now, the secret music of the Unborn goes on and on, beyond conception, awake beyond existence. Properly speaking, awake is not really awake because the golden eternity never went to sleep; you can tell by the constant sound of Silence which cuts through this world like a magic diamond through the trick of your not realizing that your mind caused the world.”

    Jack Kerouac

  3. Karl says:

    Cameron :{{

    OK so I won’t ask…..

    If the last show was called “The Long-Awaited Advaita Show #022” then what will the next one be?

    Can I also suggest that until your batting average goes up, don’t give us any more stick about voting M8

    PS I gueass that Charlie’s reply was meant for for Luly but he forgot to say so 🙂


  4. Nadeem says:

    Who is “awareness”? Who is “THAT”?

  5. Richard says:


    I think it was Alan Watts who said, “I am That, you are That, and that is that!”

    Bob will have a better answer, but I like how Watts phrased it and thought I would share it, if no one minds (or even if they do).


  6. Nadeem says:

    …But there is no real, independently existing “I”. No “I” to be “awareness”.

  7. Nadeem says:

    posted too early… As Cameron said, there is no ME to be a robot. There is no ME to be ‘THAT’, ‘awareness’, ‘one’, ‘being’ etc. Aren’t all of those things identities and descriptions?

  8. master zen says:

    every thought is complicated resistance

  9. Bob Seal says:

    I am That, You are That and That is All There Is!

    There is No “I”

    See cartoon at

    love 🙂

  10. Nadeem says:

    To put this with my previous question. Experiences like the one you are expressing, Bob Seal and Richard come in the form of sensations, thoughts and feelings, through a human brain, right? The feeling of having a ‘true nature’ is a feeling coming through the human brain along with related thoughts and beliefs. How can you know anything about ‘That’?

  11. Bob Seal says:

    Nadeem, Here’s how it appears here . . .
    There is no You to know anything about That.
    That is Unknowable!
    It’s only the mind operating in the duality that wants an answer to the question.
    Experiences are just phatoms appearing in the dream.
    And . . .these are all words trying to express the unexpressable.

    Cameron . . . What is Sailor Bob’s view on this?

  12. Bob Seal says:

    You ARE ‘THAT’.
    The sun can’t see the sun shining!

    love 🙂

  13. master zen says:

    I am a Sun, and I have seen myself as a sun, and shining bright. Although it is rare, it is possible.

  14. master zen says:

    Nadeem, what is it that you know yourself to be? if anything?

  15. Nadeem says:

    Ok, here goes. It is indeed the mind operating in duality that wants to know the answer to this question. That is just as it is here right now unfortunately, the ego is in full swing.

    As to what I know myself to be, there is nothing that ‘I’ know I am. When ‘I’ (mind) stop and look closely, it is clear that thought just happens, like the other senses. Any ‘I’ is just a concept. Everything there is, ‘here’, is sensations, thoughts and feelings. To say that these sensations appear ‘in’ or ‘on’ something, or to say that something else is needed for these sensations to appear is conceptual thought.

    There is a sense of ‘self’ here that lingers, but that sense of self can be seen as a certain feeling here, a certain thought there… There is nothing else that can be experienced, is there? If you think you are something, then you probably have a sense of ‘being that’ something, hence a sense of ‘self’. That sense of ‘self’, whatever all-embracing conept it points to, is still just a sense, not anything real. Or so the thoughts go. 😉

  16. Bob Seal says:

    Nadeem, You seem to have this all covered very well, as you say . . .

    “There is nothing else that can be experienced, is there? If you think you are something, then you probably have a sense of ‘being that’ something, hence a sense of ’self’. That sense of ’self’, whatever all-embracing concept it points to, is still just a sense, not anything real.”

    As you say . . .NOT ANYTHING REAL!
    Drop the ‘I’ that’s looking for the answer, that’s what’s causing the seeming problem.


  17. master zen says:

    “I” looked for the answer, and saw a Sun-Shining-Presence.

    “I” recognized it as myself.

    Maybe it was an illusion? maybe not.

  18. master zen says:

    “I” do not have all the answers.
    “I” am just sharing an experience.
    “I” do not wish to stir the pot.
    All of my questions, answers, and comments are merely temporary intoxicants.
    Forgive me if you get a hangover.

  19. Bob Seal says:

    Nadeem, A suggestion . . .

    It might be helpful to listen to interview 5
    that Gilbert made with Mark West at:

    Look for this listing.

  20. anomynous says:

    an experience is just as fleeting as the wind,
    or a fart.

    we cannot negate this Being that we automatically Are.

    These words are imaginary footnotes in this presence.

    who cares what we know? who’s there to know?

    stop talking, and start Living!…go out on a date, work and water the plants

    all our words are Farts in space ( )

  21. dan says:

    If the mind creates duality do cats and dogs and insects etc. live in a different reality?

  22. Karl says:

    For Nadeem, Bob and Master Zen 🙂

    On the subject of “I”…..

    “The eye that I see God with is the eye that God sees me with.”

    Meister Eckhart

    Love and understanding

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