The Advaita Show #025 – You Are The Spaghetti

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The Advaita Show #025 – You Are The Spaghetti

The Advaita Show #025 (MP3 – 32MB – 34min)


Or play it by clicking here:

Okay, we’re back with the spaghetti. Answering your questions this week is Bobananda in fine form, with his trusty sidekick Eliot the Brave.
The atmospheric Japanese zen flute is from a track called Yamato Choshi by the artist Tilopa from his album Kyotaku Live, available from Magnatune Records.


  1. ken burch says:

    Hi Bob, Cam, Eliot…
    Good to hear you again.
    The sound quality seemed better this show. Great.

    Question: Is it possible to understand what you are telling us about what our true nature really is, and yet still want to ask questions about it? Maybe just for the pleasure of hearing you talk about it more? Or is it a sign that we still just don’t “get it”. I do and I don’t, it seems. That’s fine. Que sera, sera, i guess.

    Ken in Ohio

  2. Bob Seal says:

    Great Show Guys!

    “HAVE A LOOK!”

    Well ‘I’ did and you’re right there’s no-thing there!

    ZERO and not even that!

  3. steve says:

    Bob and Cameron, I love the show and appreciate you making your teaching available to the public. However, I was unsatisfied by bob’s answer to the parabrahman question.

    Is it Bob’s position that Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj is simply talking out his ass, making unnecessary conceptual distinctions into levels? If the ultimate reality is just intelligence-energy-awareness, what reason would Siddharameshwar have to complicate things? I think there is something to it, so I have hesistancy to dismiss it. Perhaps Bob can talk about this more on the next show or respond to this post. Thanks.


  4. Laya says:

    Thank you for the good laugh!!
    Great to hear your voices,


  5. Mark says:

    Love the flute!

    Some of the parts that made me laugh out loud were the moments the flute would appear after the gurus said something particularly cryptic or profound.


    Can you discuss whether there is such a thing as Good or Evil acts? I know the whole point is ‘non-duality’, BUT! most people in the world collectively believe that certain acts–like helping the homeless, are GOOD, and other acts, like kidnapping children, are EVIL.

    Since most of the world agrees with these things, is it not the TRUTH? or are you really saying that both acts are equally “just happening” and are “meaningless” with no intrinsic truth? That’s a hard one to swallow.

    Tell us for the record, o laughing gurus, where you stand on this matter.

  6. Corey Vance says:

    I’ve now placed this question 4 times ( this being the fourth ). Is there some reason why you aren’t asking Bob this? If it will not be asked, please let me know so I can stop eagerly awaiting Bob’s answer. I appreciate the show, whether or not my questions are answered.

    It seems that breaking the physical world down to ‘Intelligence Energy’ is very similar to what science has always attempted to do. But, you seem to get some freedom from the discovery. Why is knowing that everything is THAT freeing, but knowing that everything is made up of atoms not? Couldn’t we just as easily say “It’s all just atoms and molecules moving around so why get stressed?” It all makes sense, yet I still have anxiety, why?


  7. zafire says:

    yo dudes

    Bobs responce to the query on intelligent energy only compounds the
    potential confusion by saying activity energy etc. etc. Where as Nothingness simple presents prior as such to energy and intelligence or any so called movement puts intelligent energy in the duality box probably filed under metaphysics

    ps. at least this is what Eliot said he would say had he not been sitting so close to Bob

  8. Richard says:

    Enjoyed show #25.
    Bob was great.
    Cameron was Cameron.
    And I wanted to acknowledge the extremely helpful input of Eliot.

    Questions for Cameron:
    You’re moving to the U.S.? For real? What city?

  9. Craig says:

    QUESTION: !) After Realization occurs, is there simultaneous AWARENESS of Being both the changeless Stillness AND the movement of Consciousness (thought-action) OR does being “aware of” the simultaneous Stillness and Movement imply “experience” which is in duality and not Transcendent Unity? 2) Is Witnessing taking place through “you” as long as there are thoughts and actions taking place?
    3) Advaita teachers talk about Enlightenment as an “event” that happens…..where Consciousness disidentifies with the sense of a separate entity, where there is no longer any sense of separation. Is there an “event” that happens?

  10. Nadeem says:

    Fantastic show this week.

    I regularly have a look and there is clearly no “I” there. It is as clear, evident and plain as anything. However, the thoughts that arise, still arise as what we call an ‘ego’. Feelings also give a sense of self, I’ve noticed. ‘Who’ sees all this? Nobody, the thoughts just reflect the knowledge of what was seen. Clearly seeing that there is no “I” does not seem to be enough to be rid of the psychological ego.

  11. Cameron says:

    Corey – yes, I haven’t received your bank deposit yet.

  12. '_' says:

    Some Hilarious BOBNESS from >> Enjoy….or not, BOB don’t care 😉

    BOB IS….

    “‘Bob’ is… ‘fill in the blank.’ ‘Bob’ IS ‘fill in the blank.'”
    -some guy on TV.

    “Bob” doesn’t give you anything you don’t already have. “Bob”
    doesn’t take you anyplace you aren’t already at. “Bob” doesn’t show you
    anything that isn’t already right in front of you.

    “Bob” just gives you an EXCUSE to do what you always already wanted
    to do anyway. If you read a SubGenius book and then go KILL A BUNCH OF
    PEOPLE, well, that’s bad. I personally advise against it because first of
    all it’s just RUDE, and it’s the sort o f thing that stays on your record.
    People don’t let you forget doing something that stupid. But if you DO go
    do something like that, “Bob” didn’t make you do it. You were just
    looking for someone or something to give you the sign that it’s OKAY for
    yo u to do what you really want to do, and you looked in those happy eyes
    that say “NOBODY is going to tell you it’s okay to do what you really want
    to do so YOU have to TELL YOURSELF.” So if you tell yourself it’s okay to
    do what you really want to do and what you really want to do is something
    that you’ve been told all your life “You do this there’s gonna be BAD
    TROUBLE,” and you do it and by golly there IS bad trouble, WHO’S STUPID?

    There are two kinds of people in the world. The kind who figure
    out that they are responsible for the results of their actions, and the
    kind who don’t. “Bob” doesn’t take responsibility for ANYTHING,
    ESPECIALLY NOT the loony inner cravings of some nut who thinks they have some sort of divine privilege to go unpunished for acts they know darn
    well NOBODY goes unpunished for. “Bob” is a BLANK SPOT for you the viewer to put your own thoughts and ideas into. One person looks at “Bob” and sees a dreamworl d of delightful insanity, an infinite regress of
    digressive infantility, another sees just a dumb joke. Neither one of
    them is talking about “Bob.”

    When you talk about “Bob” you are TALKING ABOUT WHAT’S ALREADY INSIDE OF YOU. “BOB” IS WHAT YOU NEED HIM TO BE at any given moment. “Bob” lets you give yourself the nudge you need to strip yourself naked before the world. If you end up showing the wor ld all your secrets, and it turns out that you are just plain UGLY inside and out, or STUPID, or HUMORLESS, or a talentless nonentity with no social skills grasping for a peer group, or just too too hip and “serious” to see anything of value in anything but the very latest most taboo-breaking variety of CHEAP-ASS POPULAR CULTURE PRODUCT, then EVERYBODY’S a lot better off having you WEED YOURSELF OUT.

    “Bob” deprograms his own zombies? NO! “BOB’S” ZOMBIES DEPROGRAM THEMSELVES, publicly, and PAY TO DO SO! That’s right, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER evil mind control cult! “Bob” just fixes it so they do it RIGHT AWAY, right in front of everybody, all by them selves, usually WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT!

    Some pitiful schmuck once said to me, thinking he was being REAL
    COOL AND FUNNY, “Oh, ‘Bob’s’ too PSYCHEDELIC for me!” …see, PSYCHEDELIC was the officially approved THING TO HATE that week, no I don’t mean hate, I mean THING TO USE AS A SIGNAL TO SHOW
    YOU ARE HIP BY DERIDING AND SNEERING AT IT. Psychedelic was BAD, uncool, unhip that week. I’ve had people explain to me how they just thought the whole “Bob” thing WASN’T FUNNY, wasn’t SERIOUS enough, was just a ONE-JOKE joke religion, and then turn right around and trot out their own personal favorite version of all that uncool, unhip, unfunny stuff, the one THEY thought was cool and hip and funny enough, and daring, risque, TABOO-BREAKING enough for them to risk their PRECIOUS REPUTATION FOR HIPSTERISM on, and guess what? Yeah, it was something about people who POKE HOLES IN THEMSELVES AND HAVE SEX ON BLACK SHEETS UNDER A PICTURE OF HITLER. Insert BIG SNORE sound effect here.

    Of COURSE “Bob” isn’t going to be SHOCKING enough, or HIP enough,
    or he’ll be too “psychedelic” or too SILLY or have too many NAUGHTY WORDS or NOT ENOUGH of the RIGHT naughty words for people who are looking for something or someone to BE COOLER THAN! I f you’re looking for somebody to BE COOLER THAN, “Bob” is DEFINITELY your man, because there isn’t a damn thing cool about “Bob,” not a damn thing hip or shocking or daring or sophisticated about “Bob.” Yes, once again, “Bob” has let you find EXACTLY wha t you were already always looking for.

    Looking for something to sneer at? Something to think “just
    doesn’t cut it,” isn’t “up to snuff?” Here you go. I had some guy tell
    me all about how he just didn’t think that “Bob” stuff WENT FAR ENOUGH,
    and showed me HIS one-joke religion, and GUESS W HAT? It was a WHOLE JOKE RELIGION FOR MAKING FUN OF JESUS! Big snore again please.

    When people haul out their entire vocabulary of one-upmanship for
    me, and explain very carefully why “Bob” just doesn’t meet their
    standards, friends IT DOESN’T BOTHER ME A BIT. I tell them yep, you’re
    right, you JUST DON’T NEED “BOB.” Of course that’s a lie. They need “Bob” just as bad as any cash-mailing bobbie does, they just need “Bob” for something else.

    “Bob” doesn’t do anything but let you FEEL OKAY about who you are
    and what you are. If feeling okay about yourself involves doing all kinds
    of really STUPID stuff, or bettering yourself at others’ expense, or
    sneering at everything but a tiny little und iscovered territory of your
    personal ultimate hipness, or just doing a TOTAL BRAIN DISCONNECT, well, that’s just who you are. You fall down and break your leg don’t run
    crying to “Bob.” You brought it on yourself. We warned you.

  13. no1 says:

    are nuts are it too ?

  14. Richard says:


    It don’t make me no nevermind but you may want to know that show #25 had you speaking out of the left speaker of my computer, while Bob and Eliot spoke out of the right speaker.

    Show #24 had both of you speaking out of both speakers–stereo.

  15. Richard says:


    Steve’s above comment is similar to my feeling of how my question was handled. Could Cameron just ask the question without the comedy routine, since he obviously was ridiculing that which he knows nothing about? (Although he made me laugh)

    So, to rephrase: Is Bob’s teaching of presence-awareness incomplete? Does it overlook the truth of Siddharameshwar Maharaj’s non-state of the Parabrahman, which is beyond awareness?


  16. Ramdas says:

    The question about Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj is a good one. Surely he had a good reason for making the distinction between Brahman, or “Consciousness,” and Parabrahman. Its all well and fine to be joking about that which cannot be described, but surely Siddharameshwar made this distinction for a good reason.

    Bob’s non answer to the question definitely makes one wonder if what he is teaching is really the same as what Nisargadatta Maharaj was teaching. Nisargadatta and Siddharameshwar had no trouble in answering this question quite clearly.

    Siddharameshwar, Nisargadatta, and Ranjit Maharaj as well as the ancient scriptures have all clearly made this distinction. How can Bob’s teaching on presence-awareness be complete and consistent with Nisargadatta’s when by it’s very nature, the “I” in “I Am” is still intact. Why was it that Nisargadatta Maharaj insisted on the title’s of Jean Dunns books be “Prior to Consciousness” and “Consciousness and the Absolute” if he was not clearly making the distinction?

    Nisargadatta Maharaj and his guru Siddharameshwar Maharaj called this “I Am” the original illusion, or Moola Maya, which is the ego in it’s most subtle form. How can anyone claim to be “realized” through the teachings of Nisargadatta Maharaj if they themselves do not teach this most fundamental principle that is at the foundation of this great lineage?

    Another question is that of Bhakti. Mainly being “Where is the Bhakti?”

    Anyone who had correctly understood and realized the teachings of Nisargadatta Maharaj and the many other masters of this lineage would surely be spending their time worshipping their master for what he has given rather than putting on some silly “Advaita Show” or spawning out “enlightened disciples” like rabbits do bunnies. Worship is the ultimate humility and taking on the label of “enlightened” or “realized” is ego at its worst. Anyone evaluating this teacher or teaching should discriminate as to if the “experiencer” is still intact or if the teaching is truly consistent with that of Nisargadatta Maharaj and his great lineage.

    No disrespect intended, but for the sake of all the question must be asked, “Is this really the teaching of Nisargadatta Maharaj and his Sampradaya or just a vain attempt of an old man to make a name for himself while keeping sincere seekers perpetually stuck in the “I Am”?

    With all of the labels of Turya, Brahman, Turyatita, Parabrahman, and “Bob” all cast aside what remains is the Self or “I Am.” Does Bob dispute that even this “I Am” should be thrown off? If so, then clearly he has not fully understood and Realized the pinnacle of this teaching according to his own guru and his guru before him. If there is no dispute about this, then why put on any show in the illusion. The ego can be very subtle and unfortunately the usually those who claim to have no ego at all are the ones with the biggest egos .

  17. Gary says:


    “There are so many who take the dawn for the noon, a momentary
    experience for full realization and destroy even the little they gain
    by excess of pride. Humility and silence are essential for a sadhaka,
    however advanced. Only a fully ripened gnani can allow himself
    complete spontaneity.” Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    “I Am That” Chapter 26

    What is ripening?

  18. Nadeem says:

    You can’t blame him Richard, these questions really are hilarious. ;-D

  19. Cameron says:

    Richard, Ramdas, you guys crack me up.

  20. Laya says:

    Eh Ramdas, “who” is speaking?
    “who” knows so well? “who” is having so many ideas how things should be?

    You clearly have not read, listen or even less met Bob to say what you are saying..
    You should give it a try, “you” might be surprised.


  21. Bob Seal says:

    This webboards getting really wildly funny.
    Love it!
    Reminds me of Alice through the looking glass!
    Love Ya All!
    Yours sincerely,
    Slightly enlightened around the edges, but not quite through to the soft centre of nothing.
    Bob Seal . . . Who.
    You message posters are the best cartooning material I have ever come across.

  22. '_' says:

    Some Bob wrote: “the best cartooning material I have ever come across.”

    ‘lines drawn, laughs laughed, tears shed, frustrations vented, truths proclaimed, etcetera’s etceterated……simply wonderfull’
    LMAO if ‘I’ had one 😉

  23. Nadeem says:

    Cam, will you make a retraction of your assertion in a distant show that your children waking you up from sleep shows that the ‘awareness’ is there during sleep? I presume it was a slip-up or something. If not… well, think it through, man. Could anyone also show me how to experience this ‘bare awareness’ being present during dreamless sleep, or what supports it? Have fun.

  24. '_' says:

    simply “Bobbalicious” ………………….. 😀

  25. Cameron says:

    Nadeem, I happily retract the assertion that there was an “I” to make any such statement.

  26. Sneeby says:


    1. How does advaita deal with solipsism? Since we cannot know the existence of other minds, because they are not something we can directly perceive. For all I know, the other people I see may also be figments of my imagination, and my consciousness may be the only one.

    2. When the buddha says there is no-self, no atman, no enduring entity to be found anywhere that you can identify with is he saying the same thing as the hindus, or advaitans who say there is a Self, an atman? Does advaita point to the same thing that buddhism is pointing to or the exact opposite?

  27. Sunil says:

    Hi Guys:
    I have listened to many of the pdcasts on the siteand they are absolutely fantastic. Thank you for making it easier and available. I am a seekerf rom Canada, still searching.

    I am hung up on a couple of things. I hope Bob can help. I do see the non-existence of the past and realise that now is all there is. But, while the future is also a concept, it CAN be real with a certain fintie probability of success. If humanity has no such hope, how can we function. Is this just the mind’s trick to assign a probability and make it look real? I do reaslise that future is but a concept what if there was a nuclear explosion the next scond…all future concepts become ashes. Is that what you mean when you say only NOW is real, Bob?
    My second question is about free will. I do see the lack of control in what I am thinking now or ever. But the mind does have control of thoughts that move muscles, laugh, cry and run or walk. Who is making those decisions?

    Thanks for the great work.

  28. Nadeem says:

    Dear Cameron

    Thank you for retracting the assertion that there was an “I” to make any such statement. However, that is not the assertion I asked about and I’m not even aware that you ever made such a statement. I was actually talking to the psychosomatic organism that has the mind, experiences and behaviour patterns that made the assertion in the first place.

    Yours Experientially…

    That (Mr.)

  29. Advisor says:

    Hi Cameron! Thanks for devoting so much time to answering my question on the last show. Last time I was the Wonderer, this time the Advisor, because Now I have three (not two) pieces of advice for you. So with my names I’m stating the obvious. Very spiritual, isn’t it?

    Piece of advice no. one: Don’t publish email addresses — or parts of them — on the air (or anywhere else for that matter). Because it says “will not be published” in brackets where you’re asked to provide the address.

    Piece of advice no. two is, it occurred to me that someone who is brand new to advaita might get confused by the talking on different “levels”: It’s the pathless path thing. I understood the answers to my questions by Eliot and Bob, even though they “contradicted” each other. Eliot said I definitely do exist, Bob said I definitely don’t exist. It might have been pointed out that Eliot was referring to the level of the “Absolute” while Bob referred to what a certain Mr. E. Tolle calls the level of form. I think the latter level should be called the level of illusion, lest anyone take it for real. So if you always say what level is being referred to you could avoid seeming contradictions.

    That were my two cents, picture me with a stern expression and a raised index finger during the whole post. Like on the Bin Laden videos you see now and then on the news.

    Oh, and advice no. 3, the third cent, would be keep the show going. Great team. One appearing as three — the Holy Trinity Bob, Cameron and Eliot! (Alphabetical order, no hierarchy.)

  30. Cameron says:

    Ah okay Nadeem, since you weren’t fooled by my cunning plan…

    Yes, there is awareness when asleep. I’m sure every parent knows what its like to find yourself standing beside your child’s bed at 3am, not knowing how you got there. Your problem is?

  31. Cameron says:

    Advisor, my apologies for the email indiscretion.

  32. brian says:

    “Billions and billions of starrrrssss in the universsssse” (in a Carl Sagan voice)

    it would have been great if Carl Sagan could have been on the show.

    still love the joking, you guys are a riot!
    The 3 stooges! Moe (Cam), Larry (Eliot) and Curly (Bob)
    “Woop woop woop….wise guy!”

  33. Advisor says:

    (Cameron: “Advisor, my apologies for the email indiscretion.”)

    That’s fine, Cam.

  34. Richard says:


    Carl Sagan was my astronomy teacher at Cornell U.

    If you want to know our conversation, go to the link for the AdvaitaNow Group and post a question there about Carl Sagan’s conversation with Richard.

  35. Richard says:


    This proposed use of Odeo is odious to me, since I don’t have a microphone for my computer nor the money, skill, or inclination to purchase and install one.

    And without my input, how would you get your biggests laughs?

    As you often say, “Just send a check”.

  36. RishiEd says:

    Good show. But you need to “Ride the Gain” when Bob is talking. I could barely hear him. I know the answer is silence but this is ridiculous.

  37. Cameron says:

    Rishi, I bring up all the levels to -1db in post-production. But Bob is a guru whisperer! I’ll whip him harder this week.

  38. You are the spaghetti????

    Stop living in the pasta!!

    Vicki Woodyard

  39. Ramdas says:


    The reading and listening has gone on, and discrimination is functioning. Thanks for the advice. My intent is not to argue, but simply to raise some obvious questions that seem to be overlooked in this forum.

    Surely there is really no listener other than the self, or awareness, or whatever other label you wish to put on it, who is only a concept

    Maharaj taught that really nothing has happened or is happening. and to believe otherwise is delusion in illusion.

    Nonetheless, the question about Bhakti still remains.

    Nisargadatta Maharaj was a great Bhakta and he laid heavy emphasis on devotion before and after liberation (of the idea of being a limited jiva).

    The question about ripening is also a good one. Pride in Self Knowledge is the greatest ignorance. Siddharameshwar Maharaj said that this is pride is the most difficult to be rid of. He also said that it is very common that sadhakas who have arrived at some level of self knowledge get stalled in their progress because they are not even aware of this very subtle form of pride. Is there any harm for anyone to investigate deeply into this question?

    What seems to be a legitimate question is, How can someone advertise to be a “former” student of Nisargadatta and claim to be “realized” through his teachings?

    Realization itself is an unnecessary and binding concept.

    Nisargadatta Maharaj was a disciple of his Master, not a former disciple. He and his Master are one, and when in the body, he worshipped his Master with great intensity everyday. This is a fundamental aspect of his teaching which is not evident with Bob.

    Again, no disrespect intended, There is more depth to these points being raised than you are giving credit. To dismiss these points outright may or may not be appropriate. Surely nothing is lost by questioning everything. To feel threatened by such questioning seems to indicate ego.

    Discrimination and Desirelessness are at the foundation of the teaching of Nisaragadatta Maharaj’s Sampradaya. And it is well documented that the Masters of this lineage give their disciples the tool of “Ahambrahmasmi” and the knowledge that “I don’t exist” as their saving grace. They also say that ultimately these tools (concepts) must also be descarded.

    This is the teaching and tradition of Advaita Vedanta that Maharaj taught and the legacy that he gave his disciples.

    Again, so what seems to be a legitimate basic question is, has Bob basically come up with his own new and improved teaching on non-duality? It’s truly amazing how many “enlightened” students he has while most of Nisargadatta Maharaj’s disciples in India, and spread out elsewhere around the globe, demonstrate the humility to not indulge in making such statements about their “inner-experience” or great accomplishment.

    When discrimination is functioning, it appears that there is a group of sadhakas who are claiming to be “realized” who still believe that the illusion is real. Even if it is a very expansive illusion called ‘I Am” or “Awareness-Presence”

    What about beyond awareness absence. Isn’t this what Siddharameshwar Maharaj and Nisargadatta Maharaj taught? There seems to be many examples of this evident to serious students of their teachings.

    The best thing Bob has said is “I am Not”

    This is where the vedas fell silent and could only say neti,neti

    It’s your perrogative to disregard all that has been said cuz, Who the bleep am I to say anything? To say “I know” better than you would only be proof of ignorance. Maharaj said many times that knowledge is the greatest ignorance, and he was talking about “Self Knowledge”

    Maharaj has surely proved that I don’t exist, and the ripples are only water, While the water has no concept of ripples. Isn’t this the meaning of Laya, Laya?

    If these questions have no value for the sincere seeker, then they naturally disappear into the nothingness from which they came.

    Cameron, Happy to read that you are amused. The joker frolicks blissfully ignorant. At least show a little respect for Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj. He certainly deserves it.

    Apologies if anyone finds these questions offensive, but if Bob is the same as Nisargadatta, then none have been offended.

  40. godszen says:

    Ramdas, you are welcome to the Nisardagatta discussions at

  41. kevin says:

    Hi Bob and Cameron,

    Question: what did nisargadatta mean when he said: “when the fluids meet, the I AM appears”. thanks.


  42. Nadeem says:

    You have ears. They work (presumably). A signal is sent from your ears to your brain. You wake up. I don’t think waking up particularly shows that this ‘Awareness’ is there in deep sleep.

    Question: If I am That, then… What?

  43. Rick says:

    Ramdas, Cameron, Bob, Me and every other supposed Tom, Dick and Harriet.

    Every effort for a conclusion is the movement of seperation witnessed by that which cannot be named.

    The Undivided appears as contradiction. Spontaneity follows no reason or rhyme. It is the great leveller of that which tries to get a foothold and control and arrive at some conclusion… what to do? or not to do? both approaches are fundamentally one. When this is seen clearly. There is no more thrashing it out.

    Each impression creates a depression, when the depression has levelled, the space is there for another impression to be made. All description can never be the described but a mere five fingered discount of cerebral flatulance.

    But hey when you’ve got a soiled anus its pretty enjoyable to have something to wipe it with.

    Love, Bhakti, Presence, Seperation, Ego, Foolhardiness, Ignorance etc… are all books from the same library.

    Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form

  44. Richard says:

    The purpose of this site is to ask questions for Bob to answer on the show. For discussion you can go to the AdvaitaNow site as listed above by godszen.

    I appreciate much of what you say. I suggest you shouldn’t lump Bob and Cameron together. I suspect you are retaliating because you think Siddharameshwar Maharaj and his teachings weren’t respected. Why not show the same respect to Bob and everyone? Teach by example.

    Bob said that during the 30 or so years he has been teaching, only a handful have become realized. He is sincere, humble, and loving. And he dislikes being called a guru or being idolized.

    Yes, they have veered from the complete teaching, which was the reason for my original question. But Siddharameshwar Maharaj himself was a radical departure from his guru, prefering “the bird’s way” to “the ant’s way”.

    If you want this site only to be used for questions, why not monitor it prior to being posted, as was done when it first started?
    Also, you can print out these posts and highlite the ones you will read to Bob PRIOR to the show. Love the show as it is but thought I’d make suggestions so you can have more work to do.

  45. One QUESTION for BOB …

    How can you stand all these questions when there seems like nobody ever really LISTENS to your pointers? (Mea Culpa – Formerly.

    One COMMENT:

    THANK YOU, BOB, for keeping on Killing HOPE and keeping Aliveness Alive.

    ~ I Am

  46. Ramdas says:


    Point taken about the purpose of this site.

    Again the purpose of my questions was not to be disrespectful, even if they appear that way. They are genuine, serious questions for Bob.

    It only seems natural that if there are apparent discrepencies between his teaching and Nisargadatta’s teaching, that quesions are the only way to really find out what it is that the “Bob” is actually teaching. Having been a student of Nisargadatta Maharaj, the benefit of the doubt has to be given to Bob. Surely if anyone was capable of giving his students correct “understanding” it was Nisargadatta. At the same time, Nisargadatta himself was quite adamant about checking to see if someone claiming to be realized was actually realized. Every teacher should be questioned before blindly accepted as authentic. Agreed, the Jnani has nothing to prove to anyone, while at the same time has no trouble in answering all questions to the questioners satisfaction.

    As far as teaching by example, there is no desire to teach, only worship of the Master as instructed by him. God worshipping God as the case may be. The teaching of Shri Siddharameshwar was very clear that both Knowledge and Devotion must be there for the Jnani. Nisargadatta has also stated this clearly. thus the question about Bhakti.

    It would be nice to hear Bob speak about these things without all of the other irrelevant /irreverant interjections by Cameron. No offense intended.

    BTW, I just came across an update about the new Nisargadatta book of Siddharameshwar’s satsangs if anyone is interested.

    Now this dream character will keep mum.

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