The Advaita Show #026 – Bob in the Zone

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The Advaita Show #026 – Bob in the Zone

The Advaita Show #026 (MP3 – 6MB – 19min)


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Short and to the point today. Bob was on a caffeine high, came out of the gates swinging, and I wanted to preserve the moment, so I pulled the plug early on. I think this is the best show we’ve done and suggest you listen to it over and over.

If you’d like to leave us an audio question or just a comment, click here.


  1. Paul says:

    Well said Bob … well said!

  2. Mark says:

    lean and mean! the Guru kicks some ass!

  3. Richard says:


  4. Bernie says:


    it seems that realization brings about knowledge that one is not the body or the mind. because this realization comes about through the body and mind, how can we be sure that this I Amness is not something that will also die? it seems that certainty can only be seen at/after death; how do we know that this realization is not simply an advanced, deceitful thought or feeling that lies within the body/mind? is this to be set aside as ‘experiential’ and inexplicable, or is there an intellectual answer that can be shared? i would love to hear your comments bob and cameron. thanks a lot!

  5. ravi says:

    Great to have u guys back!!!!!

    !!!! QUESTIONS !!!!

    1) when it is said that one must stay with the “I amness”, who is there to do that????

    2) How does one know that “Non-conceptual awareness” exists, since it cannot be
    percieved. Could it be that “Non-conceptual awareness” is just another concept???
    In this sense Man has made God. Can this “Non-conceptual awareness” be known
    intuitively ???


  6. ravi says:

    !!!! QUESTION !!!!

    Heres a question I posted in an earlier show and it wasn’t answered. (Cameron, the cheque is in the mail 🙂 )

    “Life is happening”, “choices happen”, “thinking happens” but there is no ‘body’ who is living, no ‘one’ is thinking and no ‘one’ can choose, but isn’t there someone – a part of the the whole which has identified with the illusion – which brings me to my last weeks question which cameron skipped “‘concept’ of soul/supersoul; atma/paramatma; nisargadatta’s I-am-ness vs THAT. We see this concept of the ultimate reality bottled into an individual body-mind being. Is this the ‘part’ of the ‘whole’ that is conscious and identified with this world. my question is does a part of this impersonal that exist in each dreamed being as a ’soul’? does one need to identify with this before discovering the ultimate, i.e is it a pre-requisite or a diving board to reach “THAT”?

    so in some way isn’t that/ intelligence awareness doing everything???

  7. Nadeem says:

    Yay, Go Bernie! I bet that was just a small doubt you have and you still choose to believe that this stuff is ‘true’, but I want to add weight to your question through support.

    The sense of presence – whatever it really is – comes through the body/mind. That sense of presence WILL die when the rest of the body dies. If you investigate your own experience, you’ll see that there is no actual ‘awareness’ there, there are just the sensations, thoughts and feelings of the human body. What sages are experiencing is just a delusion that the brain falls into sometimes. The response you’ll get from others is that your mind just cannot understand “THAT”, but I encourage you to think for yourself. Sure, go for the direct experience if it makes sense, but keep in mind that this *could* be just another religion. Check out

  8. Tim says:

    Thanks for including my voicemail in this show Cameron. Please donate my royalties to Bob’s retirement fund. I hope he didn’t experience a caffeine comedown after is ‘hit’ 🙂

    Keep up the high quality levity, wit, repartee and non-dual non-sense.


  9. zafire says:

    guys guys guys ?

    Like so called “intelligent energy”, this is babble on duality bull shit.
    He said, she said, they said. WHO ? is/was to say WHAT?. Can we not stick to the point, of simple present awareness and stay away from the slippery slopes of duality, its apparent history and quotations. BEING interpreted senselessly. Discribe IT as it IS surely less said more accurate.
    Where awakenings happen within duality there they can remain, or revert too. Is that what this is all about ? or is there a glimmer of clarity, step back.

    (bit of spice, as too many roses without thorns make a poor garden)

  10. Mark says:

    Being relatively new to Advaita, and after reading these posts for a while, it has finally dawned on me:

    Cameron wasn’t joking: Advaita-speak is a real language, and I am finding it so weird and obnoxious! All these short, haiku-like utterances meant to convey something deep and meaningful. Bah!

    People! How about writing in complete sentences! The stuttery Advaita babble is driving “me” freakin’ nuts! :I

  11. Ramdas says:

    Thanks for your great answers Bob, and actually speaking at some length about these questions.

    I put a bit of this on the page for the last show not realizing that there has already a show number 26.

    This is not really a question, but not knowing how else to communicate with you, I’ll post these comments here.

    At the risk of sounding a bit like a broken record, no disrespect intended in my questions to you.

    It only seems natural that if there are apparent discrepencies between Bob’s teaching and Nisargadatta’s teaching, that quesions are the only way to really find out what it is that the Bob character is actually teaching. Having been a student of Nisargadatta Maharaj, the benefit of the doubt has to be given to Bob. Surely if anyone was capable of giving his students correct “understanding” it was Nisargadatta.

    Part of the pretext for the questions is that it is well documented that Nisargadatta himself had little tolerance for and was quite a stickler about checking to see if someone claiming to be realized was actually realized. Every teacher should be questioned before blindly accepted as authentic. Agreed, the Jnani has nothing to prove to anyone, while at the same time has no trouble in answering all questions to the questioners satisfaction. Not ever having met Nisargadatta myself, but knowing many of his disciples in Mumbai, I’m sure you are correct that we was very lovable and childlike (while at times a bit fierce).

    Your simplicity and directness are quite refreshing. Not having had the opportunity to have met you previously in my own seeking, I had spent several years in India with Ranjit Maharaj during the last few years of his life. This has resulted in perhaps a more traditional approach to the teachings of Nisargadatta’s lineage. Not to say a better approach, just different. Thus the question about bhakti, as this was an integral part of Ranjit Maharaj’s teaching to westerners, while it was not particularly emphasized when Nisargadatta gave instruction to westerners.

    This lack of emphasis that Nisargadatta put on devotion is a mystery to many of Nisargadatta and Ranjit Maharaj’s disciples in India. Perhaps it was simply a cultural thing, and perhaps you solved the mystery in your answer. You referred to the devotional practices as trappings, which is not my experience of them, but surely there was mental resistance to them when I first arrived in India. Now there is only joy (for lack of a better term) in that type of activity, in the rembrance of the master while that particular activity is going on. Not so much a sense of more joy or more union than during anything else in the dream. It’s simply the experience that only He is the worshipper, and the worshipped, without concept of either. There is only one thing going on, or conversely it could be said that nothing is happening. The experience here is that it is truly “first class” activity in the dream, and that the value or significance is not truly understood without experiencing it for oneself. Much like the sweetness of sugar can be described, but can only be known when placed on the tongue. Only speaking from my own experience of bhajans, and letting go of the mental resistance to devotional practices. I assure you that the experience is not one of idol worship. Maharaj’s teaching would not tolerate such nonsense.

    This is what Ranjit Maharaj has taught in the tradition of his lineage and his master. Along with satisfactory answering of all questions and the clearing of all doubts, he has instructed that this activity should continue as long as the life of this particular dream character goes on. It creates no real duality or bondage for the devotee, and it is my master’s wish, so it continues. He has only given, when he was in the body, and this was the only thing that he ever asked of “me,” with the exception of his last instruction in life to his disciples, which was “Remember Siddharameshwar.” These two requests I must honor, for all that he has given. Nisargadatta has been quoted as honoring his guru’s request in much the same way.

    Maharaj never asked anything from anyone and frequently used to say “All that is required here is understanding.”

    I appreciate that you picked up on the humility topic, and your answers to all of the other questions, besides the one about bhakti, basically match my own experience, and the teaching given by my guru, as well as that of Shri Siddharameshwar.

    With so many spiritual teachers out there who are not truly capable of clearing away all of the doubts of seekers , as well as many who try to put a stamp of validity on their own teachings by using the name of Nisaragadatta Maharaj, a natural skepticism arose when running across your podcast the other day. Apparently the skepticism was misplaced. I guess the other reason for skepticism was that with all of the other banter going on during the podcast, not much of your message was really coming through in show #25.

    It’s not a matter so much of looking for an exact match of the words that Siddharameshwar or Nisargadatta Maharaj used as it was looking to see if that which was being pointed to was the same. Many people say that all the “advaita” teachers are saying the same thing, but it’s truly rare to find one who really has fully realized what Nisargadatta was teaching. Never having met even one teacher out of heaps that I’ve come across who actually had the same realization as the Master’s of this lineage, it’s refreshing to finally come to know of you.

    I appreciate your taking the time to address the questions, at the same time, surely nothing has happened. I trust that it has not been a bother to you.

    Now, this dream character will keep mum.

  12. charlie says:

    I am that
    that thou art
    full stop … !


  13. George says:

    You go, Bob! The energy and clarity of this show were amazing, it’s as if I’ve been jolted into a whole new level of understanding.

  14. Bob Seal says:


    “while at the same time has no trouble in answering all questions to the questioners satisfaction”

    Who is to be satisfied?
    What has satisfaction to do with Understanding?

    🙂 no offence intended, Just interested to know Who is satisfied.

  15. Stan says:

    I don’t know what you put in Bob’s coffee, but it worked!

    I played it for the first time this morning at work and was so stunned I had to play it a couple more times.

    Right now as I write these grossly inadequate words, I feel an excitement and a joy and tearful eyes as the simplicity of Bob’s brilliant and passionate words stun all questions into silence.

    It really is just This. Thank you Bob, thank you.

  16. Basavaraj says:

    thank u bob,cameron and ramdas for iniating bob to clear air once for all
    love the show

  17. gilbert says:

    “Wacko the Did” Sock it to ’em Bob! Ram that Das right where it hurts! Just kidding.
    Seriously though, that last show packed a punch and cut it all right down to the core. No harm done (to anyone of course).
    All these ‘studied’ seekers can take a lesson from that show. I can say that I have a love for Siddharameshwar because the essence of the teaching is there in his words.
    Once you get the essence of it, the details of ‘this and that’ don’t hinder at all.
    All love and hugs to Cameron for bring the show back so soon. It’s all ‘a bit of a scream’ but still the vehicle carries the message ‘out there’.
    Cheers to all…warm regards – Gilbert

  18. Gary says:

    What brand of coffee was that? I hear that sailors brew it rather strong!
    Many Thanks..

  19. Nadeem says:

    I’m gonna bring out a t-shirt saying: “This bloody mind is asking the bob-damn question!!”

  20. Mike Smith says:


    ITs good listening to your show and knowing there are many others out there who are aware that they are “nothing” too.

    Question: For those listeners and followers who have this “knowing”, how would you suggest they go about echoing their “knowing” to others?

    It aint easy I have tried talking to a few folks and end up wrapped in their religous knots.

  21. Richard says:

    Mike Smith,

    Anyone who claims to know; doesn’t. But what do I know?

    Mark West said it’s tempting at first to run around spreading the message, but he found it best not to speak about it unless asked.

  22. steve says:

    Here we go…

    Prior to asking the question to Bob I had my own idea about what Shri Siddharameshwar was saying, though I did want to hear what Bob had to say before posting it.

    The distinction I thought Shri Siddharameshwar might have been making was between two nonconceptual states. The first is the experience of being awareness, which is what is often called “the witness state.” It is being the untouchable backdrop or the screen as I’ve heard it called. Or being the clear sky, and all the manifestations and thoughts are clouds that cannot touch it. This can also be called the detached state.

    Beyond this is the experience of oneness, which Muktananda would describe as “consciousness in flesh”. In this state, one is as much a human being as they are consciousness. Muktananda and Osho both passed through the witness state prior to arriving at the state of oneness. Students of Kalki Bhagavan have talked about this as well, having had the same sequential experience.

    Turiya is associated with the crown chakra, and turiyatita is associated with the heart center. If one awakens the kundalini, he will certainely pass through turiya before getting to turiyatita. Well at least that was my experience and the experience of everyone else I know whose awakened the shakti energy.

    I am unaware of anyone who has gotten to turiyatita without passing through turiya, but perhaps Nisgardatta was so powerful that he was able to take
    people directly there to the point where the lucky recipients didn’t even realize they got to skip a step.

    It is possible that Nisgardatta took Bob directly into turiyatita, and I would respectfully suggest that it is possible
    that Bob has yet to realize turiyatita.

    In this audio Bob asks how can anyone go beyond the nothingness as if to show the idea to be ridiculous. But the experience of being the nothingness in flesh is beyond the nothingness. For everyone who has achieved it, it comes AFTER the experience of simply being the nothingness.

    You are not the nothingness. That is only a half-true statement. You are the nothingness in flesh as Bob Adamson.

    Turiyatita is a return to an individual sense of self. A nonconceptual individual sense of self.

    This is why Osho emphasized individuality.

  23. I can only share my experience … Bob IS Love and he has shown me how to see for myself that Love Is What the nonconceptual ‘I Am’ IS

    The mind has so many wild ideas … Bob stopped the need for understanding and left nothing … that wisdom of no thing – not knowing … ND that unfurls itSelf into an appearing Evertyhing … and That dear One is Love Loving ItSelf Being.


    Who cares about the menu. Love is the MEAL. See it for your Self … Look like Bob tells us … it does work … stubborn though this mind can be the looking HAPPENS and then Love-Bhakti-Turiya-Turitya atc Hart-Mind ad nauseaum STOP just BE try to NOT be You ARE I Am Love Is Stop.

    That Love Is and CANNOT be put into ANY concept!


    Stopping is happenong now I AM LOVE before any concept …

    have a great Now

  24. Ramdas says:


    Isn’t it apparent by now that Bob is not interested in “advaita” or the legacy that Shri Siddharameshwar has left behind.

    What’s the question?

    Two non-conceptual states? Skipping past that which does not exist? Nothing beyond nothingness? Nisargadatta skipping past Turyatita, Chakras, and Kundalini? Non conceptual Individuality?

    When you have a question for Nisaragadatta, why ask Bob, and why not just simply ask Nisargadatta himself ? His actually did write a book, and his teaching is quite clear:

    How about a question that that cannot be conceptualized. Is awareness really something that cannot be negated? Doesn’t awareness by necessity require something objective to be “aware of”?

    Oops, I guess any answer would only be in the realm of concepts. A teaching without a teaching? What a concept.

    Oh, “Never Mind.”

  25. Gary says:


    I would like to post your above statement on AdvaitaNow so that it could be discussed. If that isn’t to your liking just let me know. Gary

  26. steve says:

    Gary, you can post it. Ramdas, I am actually
    not even interested in reading any Nisgardatta Maharaj or Siddharameshwar. I’ve got no questions for Bob. I was simply trying to get Bob to make a distinction which I thought would benefit the audience, and at the same time challenge where Bob is. Almost all neo-advaita teachers are NOT teaching the real deal, they are teaching the midway point.

    Charlie I promise you this. If you awaken the kundalini energy you will go beyond what you have right now. I just checked out your site. I know where you are nonconceptually, I’ve been there. I didn’t even read your site, I just looked into your eyes in your picture. There is more to it. If you, Bob or anyone else are not interested than so be it, but I just wanted to make you aware that there is more.

    I hope one day you all cross paths with a real siddha.

  27. Gareth says:

    The mind always wants more

  28. Basavaraj says:

    Who said this and what is it doing now?
    Now, this dream character will keep mum.

  29. Basavaraj says:

    Dear STEVE,

    YOUR INTENTION TO benefit the audience,IS appreciated but to tell you we are already benfited immensly by BOB and his students,look into your own eyes that will benfit you, not charlies eyes

    Hey Bob why are u so innocent,some dream charecters need bigg kick on their asses

  30. bullshit abounds here
    go see Bob
    then maybe you will see your own Self after all the stories run their course

    now shut the fuck up.


    Love Bob as your Self, love your Self as God, Love God as all that is!

    the eyes don’t have shit, steve … it is all in YOU.

    quit jacking off in this blog. if you can.

    As my Guru Baba Muktananda put it and Bob can confirm in you in a single stroke (but only of you shut the fuck up and listen!) God Dwells Within You AS You.

    Don’t look at my website or in Bob’s or my eyes. Look into your own judging mind and see what is always right Here BEFORE that machinery kicks in and starts making other expressions wrong. Open up to the Heart essence by shutting off thought and listening to Bob instead of your Monkey Mind!

    Most of these guys are really full of shit . You listening, Steve and baba whateverthefuck basawho?

    Ramdas for chrissake get a fuckin life! You ARE That. I AM That. ALL THERE IS IS THAT>

    This flamethrowing is also that. I could gave a shit who cares or is offended!

    You don’t like it? Who the fuck CARES? REALLY!?

    ?? QUESTION for CAMERON ??

    Why the hell do you even BOTHER? Why not KILL this BLOG and just Talk with Bob and let whatever expression comes up be the Podcast … even if what comes out is total non-speaking. Silence was the best when I hung with Bob last fall. (Aussie spring.)

    Clearly very very few here are actually LISTENING to Bob or you or Eliot. Casting pearls before swine. Enough already?

    I recommend a thirty three year vacation from this or at least KILL this BLOGGERS CRAP

    It is such a buncha bullshit … but hey, CALL ME AND I WILL TELL YOU HOW I REALLY FEEL, Jackoffs. (Wankers, to you Brits,…)


    Have a fosters or guiness or a bud light and refuckinglax guys.

    over and out.

  31. PS

    Steve what keeps you being such an arrogant dickhead?
    Answer THAT question and you will know what all the Sages point to.

  32. zafire says:

    C-H. gee, your mind has a load of shit to deal with, you have a site potraying you have some kind of understanding ? “I WANTA BE A GURU” ??? someone needs to cop on ? WHO ?

  33. steve says:

    Charlie Hayes your beef is with yourself. I am absolutely certain you do not speak from turiyatita. My words sting you because they cut right through your delusions. The very person you should be thanking, you are cursing off. Old man, the one who takes his fool’s gold to be the real thing never finds authentic gold.

    Charlie, your picture shows that you are unenlightened. In addition to your eyes, the tension in your facial muscles is a big red flag. Take a look at a picture of Kip Mazuy if you want to know what enlightenment looks like.

    You speak of an opening of the heart. I have had this experience and it corresponds perfectly with what Ramana
    Maharshi has said about it. Those who have the real thing have no regard for social niceties when it comes to people claiming to be realized who are not. If you want to call that arrogance, go ahead my friend.

    Charlie, redirect your energy towards attaining actual realization.

  34. Gareth says:

    No wisdom, and no attainment, with nothing to attain.
    ……The Buddha

  35. Richard says:

    I’m starting to think that Cameron had it right when he said most of these posts were about “I’ve got it, you don’t. No I’ve got and you don’t. Bunch of children”.

    How can such devisiveness be called non-duality?

  36. Gareth says:

    “I hope one day you all cross paths with a real siddha.”

    “No guru or teacher can give you this”…. Kip Mazuy

  37. steve says:

    Gareth, you are quoting Kip Mazuy and Buddha out of context. Kip Mazuy actually performs energy transfers that triggers the biological transformation process that leads to enlightenment.

    This is why I hope you all cross paths with a real siddha, for the energy transfer. You will make more progress in a few days if you receive an energy transfer than you’ve made your entire life meditating or studying advaita.

    Kip is also the creator of music that is designed specifically to remove energy blockages to enlightenment. His “bliss music” works and I had used it to remove many of my own blockages.

    You think its all bullshit? Energy transfers, kundalini, chakras, blockages? Why not try it out? I am sure Kip will give you your money back if it doesn’t work for you. You’ve got nothing to lose by going for the real thing, except for your own delusions.

  38. godszen says:

    Steve, you are welcome to join the discussions at there is usually not too much resistance.

  39. charlie says:

    thank you steve
    thank you zafire

    i yam what i yam
    no claim to enlightenment
    who is offenede?
    be happy.

  40. charlie says:

    The spiritual path is kind of like motor racing. You spend ungodly amounts of money and do a tremendous amount of hard work to get right back to where you started.

    In Motor Racing, they call it the START/FINISH Line… this spiritual thing is like that … a pathless path to nowhere, all the while with an idiot telling a story filled with sound and fury and then you end up right back where you started before time and the I Am appeared!

    SO MUCH ADO about Nothing.

    i hope to die soon 🙂

    time to disengage and go make some money … then its on to London for a weekend with my dear friend tony Parsons …

    be well, y’all

  41. steve says:

    godszen, i’ll drop by sometime soon to make a post on the relationship between parabrahman and turiyatita. The attainment of the absolute/unmanifest/parabrahman and the experience of consciousness-in-flesh (turiyatita) go together, and i’ll explain exactly how.

    charlie, best of luck on your pathless path. i hope it works out for you.

  42. Richard says:


    When you say, “Full stop!” are you recommending that one remain in the Full-stop state? Or is it to be just a brief cessation of thought?

    Thank you kindly.

  43. tyrone says:

    thanks bob , beautifully done, a lot creepy crawlies are trying to steal your amrit, your essence stays the same, beautifully radiant.


    its all good eh?

    sincerely yours,

  44. gilbert says:

    Richard, If you simply let the mind drop into a ‘Full Stop’, then your own question will be answered.
    One cannot stop thought from arising. Awareness is the space in which thoughts appear. Thought is bound in time.
    So called ‘Entering’ into the space of awareness is really
    being this timeless cognition, which no instrument of chronology could ever messure.
    Plus, all these labels of ‘states’ are only briefly useful. Siddharameshwar calls it the ‘thoughless reality’. Non conceptual awareness.
    Intellectuals cannot abide with such a pointing.
    The intellect disolves in it.
    Once this is directly experienced, then all discussions about it are known to be useless, yet they appears to be useful for those who are still caught in the mind.
    The big con job is to ‘believe’ that one has attained something which most others have not.
    Direct cognition or Knowing is HAPPENING with every sentient being and THAT is ‘ONE without a second’.
    Who can agree or disagree with THAT and what does it MATTER? Any posture taken is transitory and can only APPEAR in this space of KNOWING.
    No entity anywhere. Only appearances.
    All this fire and flame throwing is just entertainment, so throw another ego on the fire. It is all relative and the piddling bonfire produced is no match for the Sun.
    Only a few recognize what Bob is saying. His first book is full to the brim with very simple yet profoundly pertinent ‘pointers’.
    P.S. Americans seem to be so competative about this stuff. Franchise mentality etc. Cameron should feel at home there. Love ya Cameron. Keep on ‘keeping on’.
    Wram regards – Gilbert.

  45. steve says:

    Its a shame that the very concepts some have used to get to nonconceptual awareness has served as a conceptual blockage to going any further.

    “WHO is there to go any further? There’s no me?!!” That right there is the conceptual prison.

  46. Richard says:

    Thanks Gilbert, for your reply. I sincerely respect your wisdom.

    And don’t paint all Americans with one brush unless it is the brush of Oneness.

  47. Karl says:

    Well I very nearly didn’t post this….. but I guess I just succumbed to making a judgement also 🙂

    I have learned silence from the talkative,
    tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind;
    yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.


  48. Karl says:

    forgot say, original words by

    Kahlil Gibran (1883 – 1931), Lebanese author & poet

  49. Gary Falk says:


  50. Gary says:

    Perhaps it best that Bob remain the teacher and we proffer questions. This is like the ultimate reality show where Buddha has it out with Adi Shakara (Sankara). Slightly different expressions. I was hoping that this mess would take place at AdvaitaNow and then well formed questions would pop up on this thread. It is all in the space between the words… Ooop “best that Bob remain the teacher”. I used my spell checker and it suggested “Poop” for “Ooops”. The universe is telling me something:)

  51. Steve of UK says:

    Can I second Gary above.Can you keep the debate etc to AdvaitaNow.
    Camerons suggestion to keep this space for Questions seems a good one.
    Bournville in UK

  52. George says:

    I agree with Gary and Steve of UK. Endless rounds of “my guru is better than your guru” can happen somewhere else. Perhaps if some of the ‘experts’ posting here want to teach, they should have their own sites or podcasts.

  53. Bob Seal says:

    QUESTIONS: Advaita Show.

    COMMENTS: AdvaitaNow.

    Sounds wonderful guys! 🙂

    QUESTION: What do you think Cameron?

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