Steve Witt and I catch up for the first time in six months to chat about the rise of Bob’s offspring, the holographic universe and Steve tell me about how he was questioned about THIS SHOW during a deposition!
Hey Guys, thanks for the wrap. And….Good to know you guys know how to rabbit on like a couple of old cronies. Just kidding. It is all in the Fractal Hologram eh.
The irony bit at the end is lovely. Cameron says “I think Advaita is as boring as shit” or words to that effect.
Why Ironic? The Advaita Show. Anyway it is good to see you chaps are back in gear. You have to do something about the sound quality – too much bass on Steve – anyone with hearing difficulties would not be able to hear much.
Cheers Chaps – Gilbert. Steve, make sure you bring that Hockey helmet dude.
Just love it when you guys get together! The whole hologram thing is very interesting.
Really like Steve sharing his experience. I know sharing experiences aren’t really popular among the “elite pointer people” (ha)… but I welcome it. Having never talked to(or seen) anyone face to face about advaitia/nonduality I appreciate hearing someone get real about their everyday experiences.
Cameron, what it’s like for you when you run up against problems/issues.? One thing I can say about you is you are NEVER boring!
I read the article about the holographic universe also.. Very interesting. I have a book by Ken Wilber, with articles by Marilyn Ferguson and others, about the same subjects. This book is from the sixties!
ps if anyone wants to chat about non-duality: my skype is michielkroontelefoon. I will probably be online for periods during this weekend
This was posted on the Urban Guru Cafe website , by Sara & I think it says it all:
WOW! John Wheeler gets right to the point. Thanks for sharing this with us.
I know my imput probably has no value here since I’m just a newbie but this is how I see it.
I have listen to the Advaitia show & thought it was great just as I listen here and think the same. No one has a corner on the market on how someone is to see or become self realized or whatever you want to call it.
I had to laugh a bit when I listen to John & the audio was not so good since Gilbert had just put down Cameron & Steve for their audio not being up to snuff.
It’s true Gilbert does come across as arrogant and I think he has been told that many, many times but WHO cares..he is delivering awesome pointers which have helped me see the truth along with many others I’m sure.
Gilbert, I know you felt trashed on the Advaita Show but it’s just the same thing you always hear( complaints about your hard hitting). I did however feel you hit below the belt when you insinuated in your post that Cameron had let Bob down over the website thing. You came to the rescue & that’s wonderful but come on why throw crap toward C.?
All this kinda reminds me of children bickering and I think FATHER BOB would say…come guys, FULL STOP!!
I have been waiting two years for Cam and Steve to figure out they are not talking about the same thing. Guys, please tell me if I am right as I dont want to presume too much.
Cam is a pure materialiast who believes that conciousness and thus free will is just an illusion created by a human nervous system — but a human really does exist on the earth in the universe which are all just collections of subatomic particles spinning since the big bang.
Steve believes there is some force projecting the whole holgram but that none of it- atoms, quarks, leptons, humans, the earth, the universe, really exist.
When Bob says start with the only fact you are sure of, your own existence, it means to Steve that there is one “I am” or awareness seeing all of this, the whole display of the apparent universe ( which is not really real, just apparent) and also feeling every emotion ( the anger, the fear) of every so called living thing which are also just apparent projections in awareness.
Cam thinks Bob is saying the only thing you are sure of is that as a human being you think that all your neurons firing has created an apparent you, a separate entity, which is really just an illusion created by a bunch of real chemicals interacting with each other in your brain.
Please tell me Cam and Steve if I smoked too much dope as a lad or if I have understood you both correctly.
You are spot on with what I am saying and what Bob points to: EVERY SO-CALLED OR SO-LABELED THING IS APPEARANCE ONLY.
Awareness, absolute, reality whatever are all labels too, but all point to “that one essence appearing as EVERYTHING” as Bob says every time the show starts.
That is utter simplicity and simultaneous (do not lose NOT TWO here; words, by definition, make everything sound as two, if you follow) sweeping totality of One/None or, again, NOT TWO.
When Hui Neng says: “Since the beginning not a thing is…” what else could he possibly mean? Everything appeared, only no-thing is. Sense a sweeping release here…ALL A DREAM!
Allow me to use another sage’s words that, while more than 1000 years old (all there is is presence, thus the sweet freshness of Huang Po’s words now..imagine, if you like, sitting with him now…why not?) might resonate:
Po put it this way: “All these phenomena (you, me, Camer, Bobst and not a single thing anywhere left out) are intrinsically empty, yet this mind (note here: “To us ‘mind’ used by the ancients,” according to Wei Wu Wei, and who really is more knowledgeable than he on the ancients words and texts?, “is apt to be confusing, and ‘reality’ is more in our idiom.”) they are identical with is not mere nothingness. It does exist, BUT IN A WAY TOO MARVELOUS FOR US TO COMPREHEND. (CAPS MINE) It is an existence that is beyond existence, a non-existence that is nevertheless existent.”
Po ends his brilliantly clear piece with these gems:
“The vast-world systems, uncountable as the sands of the Ganges, are all contained in the one boundless, empty, radiant mind”(again, use Realiy or Awareness here to not confuse).
And herein lies the most important line — the last — of all and reason I chose Po’s piece now.
“How then can there be Buddhas who save ordinary beings who must be saved? If the true nature of all things is the same, how can such distinctions be real?
Answer: they cannot, anywhere, evermore.
And that is precisely why it matters not a lick whether “anyone” gets this or not and why disputes about it are all just pissing in the no-wind, and missing the point entirely.
What Cameron means, only God knows. And that’s because “ONLY GOD CAN SAY I AM.”
Boundless Love
P.S. Not too much dope; indeed too much mind…ALWAYS.
Git, of course you KNOW, beyond any doubt, that “you” exist, and have an identity…just as Camwise points out Bob ALWAYS starts with.
It is any BELIEF in an individual you, in name or form, that is in anyway seperate from ALL of this dream hologram that causes all problems. And ALL beliefs are thoughts, cannot be anything else.
When energy in any belief is withdrawn, it will die.
Drop ALL beliefs in ANYTHING and you can only be what’s left.
I do not believe I exist separate and apart from the whole show. As I look down at the keyboard fingers are typing. That is the way things are appearing. World economy is appearing to collapse. Many people are afraid they will stop appearing or appear on the street in a soup line. Rather than a gray man sitting at a desk I would rather be appearing as a hardbodied ravenous lesbian but I had no choice in the matter.
I dont think so. I think that “awareness” is like gods brain but with no substance having zillions of thoughts of separate entities, ants crawling, Madoffs scheming, me typing, Cam confounding advaita novices, Bob repeating the same lines for the 8,000 time.
Last night I dreamed I was watching a gladiator match but instead of Russell Crowe there was an 80 year old bald guy with a toupe wrestling against a huge anaconda. The bald guy was more concerned with his toupe not falling off then whether he won and survived. Dream did not finish because I woke up laughing. You tell me whether the bald guy and the anaconda really exist and I will accept the same answer for the guy who woke up laughing.
“If you trust me, believe when I tell you that you are the pure awareness that illumines consciousness and its infinite content. Realize this and live accordingly. If you do not believe me, then go within, enquiring “What am I?”, or focus your mind on “I am”, which is pure and simple being.” NIZ
Given that Bob trusted Niz, and we trust Bob without doubt…what more could anyone say. Trust the doubtless presence and awareness that you are, the “I-am-ness.”
The word illumine says and points perfectly: “to give light to”.
il·lu·mine: To give light to; illuminate.
You are THAT which gives light to or illumines “the infinite content
of consciuosness.” Dreams, waking and sleeping and deep sleep, you are PRIOR To all content.
Hey Steven, when this nonduality stuff really clicked for you, what were you doing? Like were you talking to someone or just contemplating to yourself? Just curious.
I just wanted to let you know that the view expressed by Mr. Cameron is truly the best expression of what my day to day experience is ! After studying particledynamics and heavy-bozon-interactions in meta-stabile blackholes I suddenly found my reality change 180°. To say ‘my’ reality is not accurate since there is no border to be found in this apperception of the holographic ground wich is really a no-ground. I have this sense -for a lack of better expression- that the whole of the known reality is projected out of the back of me! The unseen emptiness. This fractal Universe arises and subsides apparantly but really there is no coming or going. The awareness of the constant flux of essential particles is keeping me from my day job, so I have decided to take a sabbatical to rest as the Hologram wich is no-where. This continuing sense that I am in control of everything, EVERY-THING is so all pervasive it brings tears to my eyes ! I am really that what the Scientists kwow about particles! No one has ever realised this. Man, the amounts of energy that are fluxing through my body are just running in the Terra-Gazillion eVolts!
Just focus on the idea of subatomic-particles and it’ll set you free !
Nice one boys 🙂 . Loved the last part about how Steve’s life changed in the picture. It is amazing how entities behave differently from each other after they “get it” – one turns guru, the other shuts up. But everyone has to find out for him/herself. The result? Maybe this is true for everyone: consciousness sees the body it’s dragging along for what it really is 😉
UPDATE 15/03/09: ‘Our world may be a giant hologram’
We wanted to inform you that it looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic convulsions of the constant dripping in the watertank of a nearby watercloset, So it would seem that the whole idea of a holographic universe was fun while it lasted and we’re back to square one. But hey that’s what’s science is all about. Even if all data was pointing towards the world being a giant hologram it would just be a thought in our head. An accurate representation as it may be, it would just be map and a map is not the territory. Science not being a religion cannot make absolute statements and that is were the fun and the thrill of new discoveries start. … ” says Hogan
This instrument is designed to detect relative changes in distance of the order of about the size of a single atom compared to the distance from the Sun to the Earth.
A thought in your head? If your head is a hologram, it doesn’t really exist, so there is no head, no map in the head, just a projection of… light? I still don’t know what the whole hologram theory means.
Dear lads,which universe, holographic or otherwise are we discussing here? The seemingly actual physical “things” appearing here or the universe which seems to exist in thought, that is, the conceptual universe? The idea of planets moving through space and black holes etc. are not in any way actual so to get into an in depth discussion about is to talk about what is not and in my opinion rather pointless as far as getting near to any kind of “truth”.One can imagine steppig in fromt of an imaginary truck many times without experiencing any physical harm, if however one was to step in front of an actual physical truck actual physical harm will be the inevitable result. Lets not confuse the physical world with the imaginary one. The physical universe and the conceptual universe have no being and thus are not real.They are transitory by nature and rely upon presence/awareness for their apparent being. Presence/awareness is prior to the appearance and relys on and is no-thing. No further explanation is required.This is of course the standard advaita conceptual patter and may be boring for you Cam, if so maybe you should consider changing the name of the show to, “Not the advaita show”.You should both definitely be invited onto the “UGCafe” I volunteer to referee. Tazzy.
Tazzy, it’s a mistake to think “The physical universe and the conceptual universe have no being and thus are not real.” They are most definitely real. *THAT* is the standard Advaita patter, just one that is misunderstood by most students of advaita. I will break one of my rules and quote something, the Xin Xin Ming of Seng-ts’an, the 3rd patriarch of Ch’an / Zen:
To deny the reality of things
is to miss their reality.
I’ve not tuned in for a time.I’ve been running with The Douglas Harding pack.
When you lose your head.. you gain the world.. and intuition heads for your heart.
Thanks for the show.
All the best from the UK
PS any chance of getting Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchen on the Show ?
Thank you. Just discovered this. Seems unfortunately inactive.
Keep going. You are helping people.
one suggestion….128 kbs/s is not necessary for good audio speech and produces larger downloads…this was 45mb.It could be 1/10th that
A long time ago I put a reasonable amount of effort into investigating prime numbers. Primarily to move away from the logarithmic approximation that was proposed a long time ago. There were two starling things that arose. One was that all prime numbers have a wave form and each successive prime wave form predicts the next prime wave exactly. Two. The most beautiful and starling wave form was 11 it was the only wave that pulsed in a perfect mirror of itself.
The conclusion was that the final prime number was unbounded necessarily to include all possible unfolding primes, however the prime number before the unbounded prime was a furious number indeed because it was a constant moving point chasing in own tail and was really pissed off that the only number that was calm and happy was 1 because it went in to everything. 2 [two] was pissed of too because it was only half of what could ever be.
ps re gilbert comment:
‘You have to do something about the sound quality – too much bass on Steve – anyone with hearing difficulties would not be able to hear much.’
with a hearing loss, i find ugc invasive to the ear (with the music dispersed throughout )- it’s unpredictably annoying- the ‘invading’ music (to a hard of hearing ear) suddenly deafening frequencies shock the ear when tuning to a guest voice – to the point theres zero toletation for listening UGC
Haha, great show guys! Glad to hear you doing it again. Please don’t wait six months to do another.
Hey Guys, thanks for the wrap. And….Good to know you guys know how to rabbit on like a couple of old cronies. Just kidding. It is all in the Fractal Hologram eh.
The irony bit at the end is lovely. Cameron says “I think Advaita is as boring as shit” or words to that effect.
Why Ironic? The Advaita Show. Anyway it is good to see you chaps are back in gear. You have to do something about the sound quality – too much bass on Steve – anyone with hearing difficulties would not be able to hear much.
Cheers Chaps – Gilbert. Steve, make sure you bring that Hockey helmet dude.
Nice One Steve and Camm 🙂
Better than you two… send Steve’s boy over to the UBC 🙂
PS.Hi Gilbert 😉
Just love it when you guys get together! The whole hologram thing is very interesting.
Really like Steve sharing his experience. I know sharing experiences aren’t really popular among the “elite pointer people” (ha)… but I welcome it. Having never talked to(or seen) anyone face to face about advaitia/nonduality I appreciate hearing someone get real about their everyday experiences.
Cameron, what it’s like for you when you run up against problems/issues.? One thing I can say about you is you are NEVER boring!
Hello all,
I read the article about the holographic universe also.. Very interesting. I have a book by Ken Wilber, with articles by Marilyn Ferguson and others, about the same subjects. This book is from the sixties!
ps if anyone wants to chat about non-duality: my skype is michielkroontelefoon. I will probably be online for periods during this weekend
This was posted on the Urban Guru Cafe website , by Sara & I think it says it all:
WOW! John Wheeler gets right to the point. Thanks for sharing this with us.
I know my imput probably has no value here since I’m just a newbie but this is how I see it.
I have listen to the Advaitia show & thought it was great just as I listen here and think the same. No one has a corner on the market on how someone is to see or become self realized or whatever you want to call it.
I had to laugh a bit when I listen to John & the audio was not so good since Gilbert had just put down Cameron & Steve for their audio not being up to snuff.
It’s true Gilbert does come across as arrogant and I think he has been told that many, many times but WHO cares..he is delivering awesome pointers which have helped me see the truth along with many others I’m sure.
Gilbert, I know you felt trashed on the Advaita Show but it’s just the same thing you always hear( complaints about your hard hitting). I did however feel you hit below the belt when you insinuated in your post that Cameron had let Bob down over the website thing. You came to the rescue & that’s wonderful but come on why throw crap toward C.?
All this kinda reminds me of children bickering and I think FATHER BOB would say…come guys, FULL STOP!!
might find interesting:
13 Unsolved scientific puzzles
I have been waiting two years for Cam and Steve to figure out they are not talking about the same thing. Guys, please tell me if I am right as I dont want to presume too much.
Cam is a pure materialiast who believes that conciousness and thus free will is just an illusion created by a human nervous system — but a human really does exist on the earth in the universe which are all just collections of subatomic particles spinning since the big bang.
Steve believes there is some force projecting the whole holgram but that none of it- atoms, quarks, leptons, humans, the earth, the universe, really exist.
When Bob says start with the only fact you are sure of, your own existence, it means to Steve that there is one “I am” or awareness seeing all of this, the whole display of the apparent universe ( which is not really real, just apparent) and also feeling every emotion ( the anger, the fear) of every so called living thing which are also just apparent projections in awareness.
Cam thinks Bob is saying the only thing you are sure of is that as a human being you think that all your neurons firing has created an apparent you, a separate entity, which is really just an illusion created by a bunch of real chemicals interacting with each other in your brain.
Please tell me Cam and Steve if I smoked too much dope as a lad or if I have understood you both correctly.
Love that question.
You are spot on with what I am saying and what Bob points to: EVERY SO-CALLED OR SO-LABELED THING IS APPEARANCE ONLY.
Awareness, absolute, reality whatever are all labels too, but all point to “that one essence appearing as EVERYTHING” as Bob says every time the show starts.
That is utter simplicity and simultaneous (do not lose NOT TWO here; words, by definition, make everything sound as two, if you follow) sweeping totality of One/None or, again, NOT TWO.
When Hui Neng says: “Since the beginning not a thing is…” what else could he possibly mean? Everything appeared, only no-thing is. Sense a sweeping release here…ALL A DREAM!
Allow me to use another sage’s words that, while more than 1000 years old (all there is is presence, thus the sweet freshness of Huang Po’s words now..imagine, if you like, sitting with him now…why not?) might resonate:
Po put it this way: “All these phenomena (you, me, Camer, Bobst and not a single thing anywhere left out) are intrinsically empty, yet this mind (note here: “To us ‘mind’ used by the ancients,” according to Wei Wu Wei, and who really is more knowledgeable than he on the ancients words and texts?, “is apt to be confusing, and ‘reality’ is more in our idiom.”) they are identical with is not mere nothingness. It does exist, BUT IN A WAY TOO MARVELOUS FOR US TO COMPREHEND. (CAPS MINE) It is an existence that is beyond existence, a non-existence that is nevertheless existent.”
Po ends his brilliantly clear piece with these gems:
“The vast-world systems, uncountable as the sands of the Ganges, are all contained in the one boundless, empty, radiant mind”(again, use Realiy or Awareness here to not confuse).
And herein lies the most important line — the last — of all and reason I chose Po’s piece now.
“How then can there be Buddhas who save ordinary beings who must be saved? If the true nature of all things is the same, how can such distinctions be real?
Answer: they cannot, anywhere, evermore.
And that is precisely why it matters not a lick whether “anyone” gets this or not and why disputes about it are all just pissing in the no-wind, and missing the point entirely.
What Cameron means, only God knows. And that’s because “ONLY GOD CAN SAY I AM.”
Boundless Love
P.S. Not too much dope; indeed too much mind…ALWAYS.
Dear Git, don’t worry about what Steve and I think or say. What do you think? Do you really believe you don’t exist?
Camwise Gamji set this up perfectly.
Git, of course you KNOW, beyond any doubt, that “you” exist, and have an identity…just as Camwise points out Bob ALWAYS starts with.
It is any BELIEF in an individual you, in name or form, that is in anyway seperate from ALL of this dream hologram that causes all problems. And ALL beliefs are thoughts, cannot be anything else.
When energy in any belief is withdrawn, it will die.
Drop ALL beliefs in ANYTHING and you can only be what’s left.
“Drop ALL beliefs in ANYTHING and you can only be what’s left.”…. which is EVERYTHING. 🙂
I do not believe I exist separate and apart from the whole show. As I look down at the keyboard fingers are typing. That is the way things are appearing. World economy is appearing to collapse. Many people are afraid they will stop appearing or appear on the street in a soup line. Rather than a gray man sitting at a desk I would rather be appearing as a hardbodied ravenous lesbian but I had no choice in the matter.
Git, if you exist as the whole show, does that mean that the whole show, and everything in it, exists?
I dont think so. I think that “awareness” is like gods brain but with no substance having zillions of thoughts of separate entities, ants crawling, Madoffs scheming, me typing, Cam confounding advaita novices, Bob repeating the same lines for the 8,000 time.
So you exist or don’t exist?
Last night I dreamed I was watching a gladiator match but instead of Russell Crowe there was an 80 year old bald guy with a toupe wrestling against a huge anaconda. The bald guy was more concerned with his toupe not falling off then whether he won and survived. Dream did not finish because I woke up laughing. You tell me whether the bald guy and the anaconda really exist and I will accept the same answer for the guy who woke up laughing.
“If you trust me, believe when I tell you that you are the pure awareness that illumines consciousness and its infinite content. Realize this and live accordingly. If you do not believe me, then go within, enquiring “What am I?”, or focus your mind on “I am”, which is pure and simple being.” NIZ
Given that Bob trusted Niz, and we trust Bob without doubt…what more could anyone say. Trust the doubtless presence and awareness that you are, the “I-am-ness.”
The word illumine says and points perfectly: “to give light to”.
il·lu·mine: To give light to; illuminate.
You are THAT which gives light to or illumines “the infinite content
of consciuosness.” Dreams, waking and sleeping and deep sleep, you are PRIOR To all content.
Cam & Steve,
What a nice surprise! So glad you boys got it together and did another show. Even Cameron seemed interested this time! 😉
Hope to hear you again soon!
Hey Steven, when this nonduality stuff really clicked for you, what were you doing? Like were you talking to someone or just contemplating to yourself? Just curious.
Great show Gentlemen.
Dear All,
I just wanted to let you know that the view expressed by Mr. Cameron is truly the best expression of what my day to day experience is ! After studying particledynamics and heavy-bozon-interactions in meta-stabile blackholes I suddenly found my reality change 180°. To say ‘my’ reality is not accurate since there is no border to be found in this apperception of the holographic ground wich is really a no-ground. I have this sense -for a lack of better expression- that the whole of the known reality is projected out of the back of me! The unseen emptiness. This fractal Universe arises and subsides apparantly but really there is no coming or going. The awareness of the constant flux of essential particles is keeping me from my day job, so I have decided to take a sabbatical to rest as the Hologram wich is no-where. This continuing sense that I am in control of everything, EVERY-THING is so all pervasive it brings tears to my eyes ! I am really that what the Scientists kwow about particles! No one has ever realised this. Man, the amounts of energy that are fluxing through my body are just running in the Terra-Gazillion eVolts!
Just focus on the idea of subatomic-particles and it’ll set you free !
Nice one boys 🙂 . Loved the last part about how Steve’s life changed in the picture. It is amazing how entities behave differently from each other after they “get it” – one turns guru, the other shuts up. But everyone has to find out for him/herself. The result? Maybe this is true for everyone: consciousness sees the body it’s dragging along for what it really is 😉
Dear Sir,
UPDATE 15/03/09: ‘Our world may be a giant hologram’
We wanted to inform you that it looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic convulsions of the constant dripping in the watertank of a nearby watercloset, So it would seem that the whole idea of a holographic universe was fun while it lasted and we’re back to square one. But hey that’s what’s science is all about. Even if all data was pointing towards the world being a giant hologram it would just be a thought in our head. An accurate representation as it may be, it would just be map and a map is not the territory. Science not being a religion cannot make absolute statements and that is were the fun and the thrill of new discoveries start. … ” says Hogan
ROFL. Riiiiight.
This instrument is designed to detect relative changes in distance of the order of about the size of a single atom compared to the distance from the Sun to the Earth.
A thought in your head? If your head is a hologram, it doesn’t really exist, so there is no head, no map in the head, just a projection of… light? I still don’t know what the whole hologram theory means.
My take on this is that if???? etc.It all amounts to no thig or thing anyway%^&*(@#$% bodies complain, consciousness could give a shit!!
There is in fact only one body and that is the Awareness that you are and wich is everywhere and no-where and appears as teh content.
Dear lads,which universe, holographic or otherwise are we discussing here? The seemingly actual physical “things” appearing here or the universe which seems to exist in thought, that is, the conceptual universe? The idea of planets moving through space and black holes etc. are not in any way actual so to get into an in depth discussion about is to talk about what is not and in my opinion rather pointless as far as getting near to any kind of “truth”.One can imagine steppig in fromt of an imaginary truck many times without experiencing any physical harm, if however one was to step in front of an actual physical truck actual physical harm will be the inevitable result. Lets not confuse the physical world with the imaginary one. The physical universe and the conceptual universe have no being and thus are not real.They are transitory by nature and rely upon presence/awareness for their apparent being. Presence/awareness is prior to the appearance and relys on and is no-thing. No further explanation is required.This is of course the standard advaita conceptual patter and may be boring for you Cam, if so maybe you should consider changing the name of the show to, “Not the advaita show”.You should both definitely be invited onto the “UGCafe” I volunteer to referee. Tazzy.
Tazzy, it’s a mistake to think “The physical universe and the conceptual universe have no being and thus are not real.” They are most definitely real. *THAT* is the standard Advaita patter, just one that is misunderstood by most students of advaita. I will break one of my rules and quote something, the Xin Xin Ming of Seng-ts’an, the 3rd patriarch of Ch’an / Zen:
To deny the reality of things
is to miss their reality.
“To deny the reality of things
is to miss their reality.”
The reality of things being:
“One Essence appearing, expressing AS everything – Every-Thing.”
Hi Cameron and Steve
I’ve not tuned in for a time.I’ve been running with The Douglas Harding pack.
When you lose your head.. you gain the world.. and intuition heads for your heart.
Thanks for the show.
All the best from the UK
PS any chance of getting Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchen on the Show ?
Thank you. Just discovered this. Seems unfortunately inactive.
Keep going. You are helping people.
one suggestion….128 kbs/s is not necessary for good audio speech and produces larger downloads…this was 45mb.It could be 1/10th that
A long time ago I put a reasonable amount of effort into investigating prime numbers. Primarily to move away from the logarithmic approximation that was proposed a long time ago. There were two starling things that arose. One was that all prime numbers have a wave form and each successive prime wave form predicts the next prime wave exactly. Two. The most beautiful and starling wave form was 11 it was the only wave that pulsed in a perfect mirror of itself.
The conclusion was that the final prime number was unbounded necessarily to include all possible unfolding primes, however the prime number before the unbounded prime was a furious number indeed because it was a constant moving point chasing in own tail and was really pissed off that the only number that was calm and happy was 1 because it went in to everything. 2 [two] was pissed of too because it was only half of what could ever be.
listening and once again if it had not of bean for your podcast i would never have met sailor bob.
ps re gilbert comment:
‘You have to do something about the sound quality – too much bass on Steve – anyone with hearing difficulties would not be able to hear much.’
with a hearing loss, i find ugc invasive to the ear (with the music dispersed throughout )- it’s unpredictably annoying- the ‘invading’ music (to a hard of hearing ear) suddenly deafening frequencies shock the ear when tuning to a guest voice – to the point theres zero toletation for listening UGC