Advaita Vidcast #001
February 2, 2006
Vote for The Advaita Show
February 3, 2006
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Where are you?

I’ve set up a Frappr map to show where all you folks are. Click here and add yourself to the Advaita Show map!


  1. Is david Hasselhoff already there? If david is on the list, i will register myself in there too :-)).

  2. David is not there? Why did noone tell David, that there is advaita show on the Podcast Netwooooooork :-(((((…….. :-).

  3. jason says:

    Apparently Wellington (Aotearoa) is an invalid city…there are some sick people here, but it is not that bad.

  4. Gudmundur says:

    My dear Cameron

    It says, when im mapping my city on the map, that my city is invalid. Im from Reykjavik, Iceland. I hope I can share the advaita group inc.

    Nothing but oneness-ess and that and that.

  5. Sid says:

    Here, Now & Nowhere…

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