A new place to ask questions

The Advaita Show #027 – The Very Last Show
April 19, 2006
the future of The Advaita Show
September 7, 2006
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A new place to ask questions

I’m starting to miss the show, so I thought I’d throw up a new forum for people to leave questions. If it looks like we’re getting enough interesting ones, I’ll see if Bob wants to put together the team for another episode.

Go to the forum.


  1. I have no questions but a comment. The advaita show has a loyal following. Content is not as important as the consciousness that appears as Bob, Cameron, Eliot and company.

    I sure would enjoy hearing from you all once again.


  2. Bob Seal says:


    Could Bob give a view of how mind views SPACE and TIME in relation to the Non-Dual understanding.

    SPACE and TIME is mind.
    Only a concept in mind.

    Comment please 🙂

  3. Corey Vance says:

    I’ve been trying to login to the forum this morning and it doesn’t seem to be working. ( I’m on a Mac and I tried Safari and Firefox )

    I’ve been following the “I am” but don’t come up with nothing. I find me, Corey a distinct and seperate individual. Corey may be a ball of ideas and memories, but ‘I am’ seems to be the proof of my existence and seperation from all else. Why don’t I find freedom there?


  4. Linda G. says:

    I really miss the show! I wish you’d start it up again. If you don’t, I may have to come to see Sailor Bob.

  5. Gudmundur says:

    How can you not prove that the consciousness is not an epiphenomenal of matter or the brain? How is it possible to say that there exist að universal consciousness like is always being talking about in the nondual circle?

  6. Richard says:

    Here’s one I’ve wondered about since I was a kid.

    Why does this Richard creature only see things from the perspective of Richard and not from the perspective of a tree, a dog, or another person?

    Thanks Bob, Cameron, Eliot,

  7. I don’t think the questions are what is important to the advaita podcast. It is obviously the resonance with truth that is offered. Having tea with the zen masters is what it is….

  8. Maria says:

    It is just like Vicki expressed it so well in her responses.
    Having tea……………it would be a pleasure to enjoy the zen masters.



  9. Stuart says:

    I vote for Richards question.

    My Question:

    All there is, is awareness.
    So, awareness can’t disappear.
    What happens when there is sleep? Is there awareness, but no memory of it? Or is there awareness but nothing to be aware of? If there is nothing to be aware of, then what happens at death… what is left to be aware of?

  10. Gary says:

    I enjoyed Bob’s recent CD..via Eliot. The live interaction with Bob was really great. Perhaps you might broadcast a local Bob and Company show with a live audience. Just the same, I’ve enjoyed the few visitors to T.A.S., but the unwashed masses asking questions might prove to be a good format for a show, or two. Of course, Cameron is already microphone challenged, so it might not be a workable format.

  11. Bob can read the phone book and the non-dual loving beingness shines through. I’d love to see the show come back. Love you, Bob, Cam, Eliot …

  12. Marcelo says:

    Thanks Cam!

    Barb was nice, Bob hit me right where I needed to be hit…. Am reading his book now… makes clearer sense than “I Am That”


    thanks for the 4am msg- I was having a weird dream at the time.


  13. Richard says:


    Hello friends,

    A glimpse of the Real, a brief satori experience, is not unusual. How can there be permanant, CONSCIOUS living in Reality all the time?

  14. Marcelo O.G. says:

    Last week I went to Bob’s house for the first time. I didn’t go this past Sunday, because I wanted to spend time with his book that I picked up while at Bob’s.

    While the group met, I went for a walk through a park here in Melbourne, and read, and realised two things… ‘one’ was understanding that thought is subtle sound(how I did not realise this before!), and ‘two’, was that I can sit in silence despite the chit chatter of the internal dialogue.
    ‘One’, lead to ‘two’, ‘two’ lead to nothing. I walked around afterwards trying to stay in that silence, despite all the fanfare.
    About two hours later, I was not in the silence, and memory had brought me back into the chit chatter. So how does one stay there, all the time? Bob would say that I am it anyway, all the time…

    What I just typed, shut me up, just now. Hmmm…

    I think I’ll be at Bob’s this Sunday.

    A friend from one of Bob’s groups sent me an e-mail, saying that another ‘Marcelo’ attended Bob’s Sunday group, while I was walking in the park.

    Another ‘me’?

    Duality, anyone?


  15. Michele says:

    Yes, what a splendid idea, Cameron! Please revive the Advaita Show, if you feel so impelled. I do miss it very much, and an occasional podcast is better than none at all. I do not have a specific question, but would simply love to once more bask in the warmth, wisdom, humour and love that emanates from you all – just like a family reunion of kindred spirits, if you will. So please, Cameron, Bob, Eliot and Barbara consider gifting us with one more round of this great show. And if there is a dearth of questions, maybe you could simply choose a theme for the day and explore it as spirit moves you.

    My heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for all the wonderful moments of joy, laughter and elucidation that I had the pleasure to experience through your inspired efforts and collaboration on the previous 27 podcasts. Thank you indeed. – Michele

  16. Michele,
    Well-said. I think there has been too much emphasis on answering questions, which are sometimes quite good and some quite wrong-headed. Besides, questions should always be answered on a higher level than the mind, so it doesn’t end up being just another round of advaita lingo bingo.

    Those of us who enjoy the podcast would thoroughly enjoy Bob and Cameron, et al just riffing. What needs to come through will indeed come through…always has, hasn’t it?

    Well, Cam, there you have it. We are ready and waiting for the occasional show. Don’t put yourself under pressure, which I don’t think you will do.

    Love and thanks,

  17. Richard says:


    I tried to leave a message on the new board and was told my password was incorrect. When I tried to get my password, I was told my e-mail address didn’t match my name.

  18. Praveen says:

    Question: Can you tell how to realize it? The talk that its all consciousness etc etc… sounds sensible and wonderful, but how to reach that shift/leap/stage where I
    “realize”. What should I be searching for (I know it sounds absurd – but then I need clear answer also) How do I know if my mind is not tricking me into another state of i-am-ness?

  19. Yeah, I had the same problem. Too hard to figure out so people leave.

  20. Cameron Reilly says:

    Richard/Vicki, sorry to hear you had problems with the board. Did you register on it? I don’t see your names there.

  21. Corey Vance says:

    As mentioned above, I registered for the board, but haven’t been able to actually get in yet either. My username is Corey.

  22. Richard says:


    Did you receive an e-mail to click on in order to affirm your being registered?

    Mine was burried in my bulk mail and I finally stumbled onto it.

    Now I am able to ask annoying questions at will (if I had one).

  23. Stan says:

    I’m not a big fan of Osho, but one thing I read in a book I found at a remainder bookshop in Chapel Street (Melbourne) made it dead simple.

    You’re looking at a tree. There is the tree and you looking at the tree. Who is looking at you looking at the tree?


  24. Marcelo says:

    The comments of late haven’t been doing anything for me lately. So I’d like to bring it down to a new level.

    Does anyone who’s met Barb also think that shes a hot chick? Or is it just me?


  25. Richard says:


    Enjoyed your Osho post.

  26. Helen says:


    I wonder if we could get a sense on the board of the number of people who would like the Advaita Show to return – even if less frequently than before. Any frequency, is my preference.

    Vote now!

    Helen in LA

  27. Mark says:

    I would love for the show to return! With just a wee-bit less horsing around (see episode 4 for the perfect balance of seriousness about the subject AND jokes.) and more practical emphasis on how to apply Advaita principles to the challenges of day-to-day living. Thanks! Love to see you guys return.

  28. Cameron Reilly says:

    Mark… “how to apply Advaita principles to the challenges of day-to-day living”… and you want US to stop joking around?? Man, we’d have a FIELD DAY over that one. 🙂

  29. barney says:

    Hi Cameron

    I just wondered if Bob can explain why most of the Advaita teachers, seem to have roughly 90%-95% of the same message. But all seem to have a slightly different perspective of the truth !! Even Bob dosn’t seem to always agree with his teachers views. I was going to say that maybe the individual discribes it in a slightly different way. But there are no individual are there ?

    I really miss my advaita show fix….You have given us some free samples. Why don’t you now charge us on itunes and buy the guru a roller.

    All the best


  30. Cameron Reilly says:

    I like the way you think Barney! How much would you be willing to pay?

  31. Nick says:

    Note for Cameron:

    One thing can never control itself.
    One thing can only control other things.

  32. Karl says:

    Cameron Reilly Says:
    August 11th, 2006 at 8:12 am
    I like the way you think Barney! How much would you be willing to pay?

    Pay Who M8?

    Get Back on with the show :))

    Pretty Please :)))

  33. gordon sole says:

    Question: very roughly what percentage of seekers who come to bob are 12 step people? Thanks.
    Seems to me almost all seekers came out of various programs.

  34. gordon sole says:

    question: Nisagadatta said one should read the bhagavad gita from the standpoint of
    Shiva…. ??? Does Bob think we should read the gospels from the standpoint of christ???


  35. Richard says:

    To all those requesting the show’s return:

    Bob says he wants to take away people’s need for for help, as Nisargadatta did for him.

    Were’nt the 27 shows enough to end your neediness? If not, it’s unlikely 27 more will do the trick.

    “Get on with your lives, people”, as Cameron says.

  36. Mark says:

    For me the shows were enlightening AND fun. They were a weekly “reminder”. It’s not so much needing the help anymore. Every day I learn something new, or hear something that makes me think in a new way, or see the world through fresh eyes.
    Birds sing, artists paint, Bob talks, Cameron jokes…..why bother with more? Because as long as it’s enjoyable for the hosts to produce, there is an audience wanting to enjoy and be touched by the dialogue as we journey through life….It’s about connection!

  37. Marcelo says:

    After a few meetings with Bob my search is over. Yet, I still find myself going to Bob’s once or twice a week.

    It seems that you understand, then want to be with other people that understand.

    Thats why we still want the show to go on right? Why not?

    Did life stop, once you understood?

    So why should the show?

    Questions dried up, this is true… but life, then, became vibrant.

  38. Questions are intellectual. The answer is on a higher level than the mind.

    That having been said, who doesn’t love listening to a good-humored show featuring Bob and Cameron. Cam, you rock, period. Your offbeat personal perspective enlivens the atmosphere.


  39. Cameron says:

    Vicki, my illusory ego thanks you.

  40. Masil says:

    Why does a mind/brain/body that has become addicted to accepting unreality as real, suddenly make the switch to “maybe all it not as it seems” ?

  41. Steve,Bournville,UK says:

    Hi Bob
    I just wanted to say Thank You.
    I read James Braha’s book “Living Reality”. Where you ,James and friends just lay the whole (conceptual) thing out in utter clarity.


    Thanks Bob

    PS Cameron i even reckon you could forgive James and co for The Clock if you read the book!!!

  42. Masil says:

    How responsible am I towards sorting out the beliefs of my children? …..please note that they have it all wrong 🙂

  43. Bob Seal says:

    I was just watching the film MATRIX on a DVD and thought Morpheus and Sailor Bob have a lot in common.

    The same hair style comes to mind. 🙂

    I love you Sailor Bob. Thanx.
    It feels good to be aware of the MATRIX.

    Sailor Bob: I think you need some of those cool clip-on sun glasses that Morpheus wears.
    PS: Cameron you might need to translate this, as Sailor Bob probably hasn’t seen the movie.

    BTW: Gordon: The gospels are read by no-one. Which is who you are and so is christ or any other name you wish to add. Speaking and believing from any stand point will always end in tears.

  44. Cameron says:

    Bob, does that make me Neo? And who is playing Trinity?

  45. Corey Vance says:

    I’m almost finished with James Braha’s book and it keeps getting better and better the further you get through it. I feel as if James and Kerry’s progress and evolution of questioning has definitely helped my progress. In the appearance of course.

    I just stumbled upon my questions I posted to show 14 and even from this apparent viewpoint in time they now seem ludicrous. Bob’s teaching is helping, please start the show up again. Another aspect you could add would be commentary ( via skype? ) on non-duality from Bob’s students who are beyond the need for more help. I.E. yourself, James, Kerry, John Wheeler, etc…..

    Just thoughts,


  46. Karl says:

    Leya Cameron, Leya !!

    And I don’t know about Neo either :0)

    Love Ya but get back onwith the Show


  47. Karl says:

    Leya Cameron, Leya !!!

    And I’m not sure about Neo :0)

    Love Ya …But

    Get back on with the show

    TIA Karl

  48. Karl says:

    Sorry about the double posting :{ Wetware :{{

    Sorry about the double posting :{ Wetware :{{

    Sorry about the double posting :{ Wetware :{{

    Sorry about the double posting :{ Wetware :{{

    Sorry about the double posting :{ Wetware :{{

  49. Bob Seal says:

    Cameron, You can be Trinity or Neo.
    Which will you choose? 🙂

  50. Cameron says:

    oh damn it, its times like this I wish I had free will. 🙂

  51. Bob Seal says:

    True Cameron. So Trinity it is then! 🙂

    Gilbert is Neo, but you already knew that, didn’t you.

    Sorry Gilbert, I just couldn’t stop myself having no free will.

    Bob Seal is obviously an Agent pretending to be part of the team.

    Hugo Weaving . . . No, I go walking every day instead!

  52. Cameron says:

    oh oh I want to be Agent Smith… Hugo is, after all, a good Melbourne boy like myself.
    “Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You’re a plague and we… we are the cure.”

  53. marcelo says:

    Doesn’t it make more sense that Bob is the oracle? and the rest of us possible neo’s, or possible oracles? and the audience? bored or excited participants, untill the lights come on?

  54. gordon sole says:

    Sailor Bob is right about the same questions being asked over and over. I listened to the earliest podcasts again and he did answer my questions.
    Unrelatedly, I have a video of nisargadatta shouting and steaming at his fans that this is not a kindergarten and they should improve the quality of their questions or sit in silence.

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