The Advaita Show #37 – Bob's Shack 20 Mar 2007

The Advaita Show #36 – I WANNA MINGLE!!
April 16, 2007
The Advaita Show #38 – Bob's Shack 27 Mar 2007
June 19, 2007
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The Advaita Show #37 – Bob's Shack 20 Mar 2007

More Bob smack from the Bob shack. Blessed be Eliot the Reliable. Don’t forget you can appease your advaita withdrawals by going to Bob’s website and buying his CDs and books.

PRESS PLAY [audio:]


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  1. Dangerous Gary says:

    Bob is a geezer! absolute dynamite. I listened to the whole show. Which is unusual for me i will say. dump the clock though. those chimes man those chimes!

  2. Fred Claret says:

    How the Bob Smack doth calm the restless mind of man !

  3. zafire says:

    why the story ?

  4. Cameron says:


  5. produce dan says:

    If the I is not the body-mind then there is no story.

  6. Qarl says:

    I don’t actually see the obsession with Bob. I developed an interest in Advaita Vedanta after reading ‘The teachers of one : living advaita : conversations on the nature of non-duality’ by Paula Marvella. It is a series of interviews with advaita teachers, what they were saying had a real resonance with me, and certainly changed how I viewed the universe.

    I noticed the show some time later, and started listening, after Bob was no longer a feature. I went back and listened to some of the old shows too, but the this show has highlighted what I don’t like about what he says.

    The phrase ‘intelligence energy.’ He uses it all the time, and it seems very loaded. It seems to almost contradict everything else about what he says and other Advaitan teahcers see. It seems to suggest a force that is somehow apart, and planning, and different from what is molded, made by it.

  7. zafire says:

    Reluctantly I post my views on a site that hails the emperor to such a degree
    that treason may be shouted from the highest mountains, so be it. When I listen to Bob I hear a story being told about intelligent energy infiltrating sperm eggs embryos as though it were some form of extraterrestrial foreign invader and appears to have existed from past tents. This does not ring true for me and I feel it can only be misleading and dare I suggest that worshipers may be as confused as the admirers in the tale of the Emperors new clothing
    clapping each other on the back for their fine understanding while missing out on the innocent simplicity of what is

  8. Marcelo says:

    Intelligence energy is just as confusing as any other concept out there. But I think both Zaphire and Qarl misunderstand. He is merely saying that there must be intelligence at work, and the fact that you can breathe is proof of that intelligence. The ‘energy’ is merely a refference to the movement involved.

    Don’t take it any further than that.

  9. Cameron says:

    If you see Bob on the road, kill him!

    As I guess I’ve known Bob longer than anyone here and I can definitely tell you that I know for a fact that he… doesn’t exist.

    He’s an illusion.

    So get over it.

  10. Qarl says:

    Intelligence is a tenous term at best, but lets assume for the moment we are suing it in a similar way.

    Must intelligence be required for these things to happen? Why is breathe proof of intelligence. Surely the more we study ourselves and the universe the less important intelligence seems to be, its an ‘accidental’ emergence.

    If you can accept thought is not what you are, and free will is not essential to you, why does the universe need it?

    Cameron: Can we assume the whole not existing illusion caveats are just assumed. Yes, this language thing is just a map, not the territory of existence. When we use a noun or a pronoun it doesn’t convey absolute identity. But its really handy to have pointers to the memeticly driven, genetically evolved meat sacks that are using bits of plastic to make patterns that are interpreted through a variety of protocols, and are then stored as magnetic energy, and then thrown as photons at another one these meat sacks eyes. Yes, we can attack identiy at several points here, but its much easier to say “I” and “Bob” and “You” as pointers.

    Also, threading on these forums would be really nice. They work without them, but it would be handy.

  11. Cameron says:

    My point, Qarl, is to undermine this argument that anyone here is “obsessed” with “Bob” or that the emperor exists at all. There is, as such, no Bob for people to either be obsessed with or not. Anyone seen to be spreading the idea here that there is a “bob” or a “cameron” will be mercilessly teased.

    That said… I’ve never liked “intelligence energy” as a term either. I’ve said that MANY times on this show. Just doesn’t resonate with me. Seems to suggest something other-than which is “intelligent”.

    But I know it works for lots of folks, so I guess we’re the odd men out.

    As for the forum…. we DO have a threaded forum. It isn’t used much but perhaps now is a good time to give it another plug?

    GO HERE.

  12. Ralph says:

    There is nothing to get . Do you get it ?
    Paradox and confusion are the guards to the gateless gate.
    The mind cannot grasp this.
    It is beyond the mind . and etc.. etc..

    This is ‘intelligence energy’ at work .
    By no one for no one.
    It just is.

    Enjoy the show.

  13. Marcelo says:

    I think that there are two types of people. Those that get caught up in the words themselves (intelligence energy will not work for those) and those that see what those words are trying to point to(however precise, or however incorrect the pointers are). Full stop doesn’t require a pointer, it just requires a full stop. Then, when it’s seen, the term intelligence energy, or God, or awareness or whatever – they all point to it, once it’s seen.

    I had an issue with it too – but not anymore. I know what is trying to be said. But for someone who hasn’t Full Stopped, it’s bound to just confuse, as badly as the word God does.

    Every word is a true expression of that, but if you get caught up in the “thinking” side of this understanding you’ll always be finding something wrong with what anybody says about it, or whatever words they use to describe it.

  14. Steven Witt says:

    Good on ya Marcelo, for if it is “full stopped” it cannot be discussed.

    For if it is — which is the definition of a blog — it just un-full stopped and started the hamster wheels back up again. You can just hear the frenetic whirring of billions of wheels turning.

    And we all KNOW how often hamsters get somewhere on those hellish things.

  15. popdog says:

    I’m sure your right about Bob, Cameron , I got his 1st CD about 3or 4 years ago . The stuff he’s saying on this new podcasts is the exact same , I thought Jesus Christ he is just a recording,I was totally duped. Too bad, I kinda liked what he said.

  16. Ralph says:

    When ‘total exhaustion comes’ all will be clear.

  17. Mark C. says:

    I like intelligence energy, it works to explain some things but then every key is not going to fit every lock all the time. For me it describes the patterning, beauty, and yes conscious intelligence in the world. These may not be susinct scientific terms but I don’t mind.

    And please brake for Bob or go around! Guru’s who aren’t full of themselves and laying wierd trips on people are an endangered species.

  18. Fred Claret says:

    This latest podcast is the first time I have heard Bob go through his spiel uniterrupted and I was amazed by the clarity which stopped me dead in my tracks.

    BTW if Eliot is reading this,…if the recorder has a low frequency filter turn it on…I downloaded the recording , cut the low frequencis and compressed it…much clearer

  19. Qarl says:

    Marcelo: I have had “full stop” moments, experiences, bits without thought and just being my whole life. Thats one of the reasons advaita appealed so much when I read about it, it seemed so right.

    But this dogmatic adherence to a few phrases about how the universe works, just seems more illusion on top of illusion. Why do you need to be so sure the universe works that way. Because of Bob (an illusion you say, but trust his lineage)? Because of the vedas? They also led to Dvaita Vedanta and Shuddadvaita Vedanta and a few other schools, which not only enumerate every possible what I thought the universe might be, but a few ways I hadn’t even been able to contemplate (not as bight as I thought there, nice demolition of one my own illusions when I read about that).

    Don’t get me wrong, I quite like listening to Bob, but if I see him on the road (as Cameron artfulyl misquoted) or hear him on my mp3 player, why not kill him? Why not attack the ideas and the words and illusion? If its truth there is no way it will be destroyed, and if its illusion, then good riddance to that bit.

    And if you say, but its not Bob’s illusion, its yours, then yes, damn right, thats the illusion I’m out to destroy. And if we are all one, then its your illusion too.

  20. Qarl says:

    I also wish I could edit my comments. Look at all those typos! Only myself to blame of course, but if I could edit them, it would be really handy.

  21. popdog says:

    The fucking joke is bigger than you think?

  22. Fred Claret says:

    Talking of Jokes check this out ;

    Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse being Steve Jobs and Bill Gates actually getting on.

  23. dogpop says:

    Anybody heard of any good advaita knock-knock jokes? 🙂

  24. Max says:

    Is the mere existence of thought a contradiction to nonduality? If nonduality is all about one, then anything other than that shouldn’t be able to occur. Sure it’s only in the appearance, but then does that mean that nonduality isn’t in the appearance. So is dualism in the appearance, but nonduality in the unmanifest? And then shouldn’t nonduality be in both if nonduality is true, and why is there both an appearance AND the unmanifest; that’s dividing the world into two areas. I hope someone can clear this up.

  25. Cameron says:

    Absolutely correct Max. All “non-duality” means is that all things, including thoughts, are manifestations of the ONE (whatever the hell that might be). As the great Seng T’san stated in the Hsin Hsin Ming:

    To deny the reality of things

    is to miss their reality;

    To assert the emptiness of things

    is to miss their reality.

  26. Marcelo says:

    Hey Qarl,

    The full stop moment is only a temporary break from the “spell”, what it shows, is that, the full stop is ‘always’ there. So it doesn’t matter if the “spell” seemingly goes on. It only matters when your not aware of the “spell” , then you worry, and fret etc

    But it’s not a dogmatic adherence, and Bob has never said that it was. In fact he always says that it is just another concept. It’s just a basic human english explanation that is used because that is the language we have. But as bob says throughout all his talks, and what non duality is all about, is this non conceptual awareness.

    When you see that, not just as a momentary ‘thing’, then all of a sudden, Intelligence Energy makes as much sense as any other word. It’s just a phrase, just a word, and it is only a pointer. Don’t give it any more power than that.

    You also can’t have illusion on top of illusion. Any experience is not the reality, everything no matter how accurately a description, no matter how many days or months you meditate or how good or ‘enlightened’ you feel or don’t, how ever traditional or non traditional a theory you have – anything experienced is not it. So it’s all illusion, even Bobs concepts. And he is the first to tell you that.

    Can any one speak free of illusion?

    Since no one can, then Bobs concept is just as valid as any other.

    From there, the only other thing to do, is not talk about it. But there has always been talk of this stuff, and there always will. Thats what your trying to say, that all are concepts, and theres no point in speaking about it (as you say ‘illusion on top of illusion’). By saying that, your also saying you know how the universe works.

    Again, your concept is just as valid.

  27. Qarl says:

    Wow Marcelo, that is really quite eloquent. I guess I can accept use of Intelligence Energy phrase. I might still wince a little when I hear the phrase however.

  28. Max says:

    That’s an awesome quote Cameron, and thanks for clearing that up. I understand it best when people say you can still have concepts or thoughts, but see them for what they are; just concepts and thoughts. But then, there’s nothing to understand anyway. So this is all a big joke isn’t it? Anything anyone says is just conceptualising it all. I like the Tao as a good expression of nonduality, even though it dabbles in a bit of dualism. Actually, I’d like to ask you what you think it means when Lao Tzu says a wise man sees all things as straw dogs. What do you think straw dogs are? One more question, what do you think of The Matrix? I know it’s become a cliche, but I think it’s a great metaphor for nonnduality and such philosophies.
    Love the show, and I’ve recently been listening to the early episodes which I missed. Sailor Bob is awesome, but I really ike the way you’re carrying it on with your guests. It would be nice if you could get him back for the odd show; not just a recording of him, but a chat with him and Eliot or someone.

    Cosmic love

    PS: my girlfriend thinks your voice is really relaxing.

  29. Cameron says:

    Max, tell your girlfriend I said thanks. 🙂

    I loved The Matrix. Kick ass film.

    Re Lao Tzu – I could guess what he meant, but as Bob would say, “Dig him up and ask him!”

    Is it a big joke? Perhaps, although that suggests someone is “‘avin’ a laff” (anyone else here watch “Extras”?).

    As for conceptualizing, the next part of the Hsin Hsin Ming sums it up:

    “The more you talk and think about it,

    the further astray you wander from the truth.

    Stop talking and thinking,

    and there is nothing you will not be able to know.”

  30. Max says:

    Man, this Hsin Hsin Ming is pretty cool. How would that kind of pure nonduality work though? Where does that leave us? Do you have to be a renunciate to follow it through? I watch Extras and I enjoyed that reference, but it doesn’t inherently suggest someone is ‘avin a laff. Couldn’t it just be a joke for nobody’s benefit, and there’s no audience? But then there’s these patterns of energy that manifest as identities, so maybe the joke’s on them.
    Ok, I’ve got another one. I’ve got a killer headache, what’s a nondual explanation for that? I know it’s only the appearance that’s manifested these feelings, but it hurts. Is it just part of the play going on and it doesn’t really matter, or what should I do about it?

  31. Qarl says:

    The headache question is an interesting one. I’ll give you my personal reflection on that, you milage may vary.

    When in that “in the now” kind of situation, I used to find I had more aches and pains, headaches, joint pains and woes. It is pretty easy to wander off elsewhere, and occupy your thoughts and daydreams.

    If you stick with being in the here and now, despite the pains and woes, it is amazing how quickly you find causes. Connections you never noticed become very clear. I eat sugar, and soon get agitated. I talk to x and then feel y. Gosh, my gut really aches when I sit in this chair. The human brain is really good at that deduction in time-space stuff, you just have to let it do its thing.

    This can mean you suddenly start changing your diet, your sleep habits and your life situation (and not in ways that are always positive according to popular culture). So despite suddenly doing the whole its an illusion, all one, be here, be now, you start doing all these positive things. It just seems to happen, it isn’t sought. You have given up on the idea you make decisions, and suddenly you are making all these really good and positive decisions.

    I am curious if others have found the same thing.

  32. Cameron says:

    Max, if you stop thinking and talking, where is the headache?

    As Bob says, what’s wrong with right now until you think about it?

  33. Max says:

    I don’t know where the headache is, but it is. You can’t deny the appearance even though it is an appearance. Don’t you get headaches and things that hurt? How do you deal with it? I find that just knowing that the headache’s an illusion helps somewhat, but illusion are still real aren’t they?
    I have that experience a bit too Qarl.

  34. Cameron says:

    before you call it a “headache”, what is it? Where is it?

  35. popdog says:

    If you took away a person’s sight and hearing, where would the apperance be? If you hit them in the head with a 2×4 they would still feel pain even with out the apperance? Can you just say I appear to have feeling?

  36. Max says:

    Yes, I appear to have a feeling. If it’s not a headache, I don’t know what or where it is. It is something though. But I’d just like to know how you guys would approach a headache.

  37. Dangerous Gary says:

    Interesting. I couldn’t care a less about bob although he sounds like a decent enough bloke. My interest on the personal level is that when i hear him speak or read his words (less so when i read) all of the usual bullsh1t and angst and serious way i usually go about my life drops away. Something resonates on a deep level and personality is seen for the bullsh1t it most definitely is. so it’s for purely selfish reasons i listen to him.

  38. Cameron says:

    Max – whatever happens, happens.

  39. Max says:

    HAHA!! Yeah I read you on that one, ok

  40. popdog says:

    I’m wondering how many advaita hotshots are willing to go to say, Africa and spread the word that their physical pain and suffering is just an appearrance. The christians at least had the faith in their belief to risk their lives for it ! By the way Holy Cat incense is the best on the planet.

  41. ??????? says:

    All quiet on the western front.

  42. Qarl says:

    If you are bored and need stimulation you could watch this:

    It is about the Kabbalah, it is interesting in what they say about oness and perception. It comes across a lot like advaita.

    It references What The Bleep Do We Know, which doesn’t come across as very advaitan to me.

  43. ??????? says:

    Free will or no free will, can I ,no I, choose to eat dog shit or a steak? Quess not ,I have no free will. Camerron enjoy your or not your Dog shit! Christians invented free will to control the rabel.

  44. Max says:

    The intelligence energy is flowing freely throughout the glorious cosmos! It strikes me that if one lives in nondual awareness, then you can’t fully engage with the illusory world. So there are pros and cons associated with being a statue, the main con being that you can’t move around and do things. I wonder what about the many brilliant musicians and visionaries that are active in the world; they speak great truths from the heart. Do they exist? Can I ever hope to become a musician?

    By the way, I just completed a blistering critique of The Secret on my MySpace blog; maybe some non-entities will be interested: http://www.myspace/cosmiclightbulb

  45. Ralph says:

    Hi Max,

    No one lives in nondual awareness. You are nondual awareness.
    Enjoy the appeareances (show) and become a musician in the illusionary world.
    With all the shitty music we have today, we need creativity.

    Bring it on !

  46. Helen says:


    You did say there were two talks on that CD given you by Elliott, right?


    Helen in LA

  47. Cameron says:

    is that a hint? I thought we’d split ’em up. Bob then Steve and I, then Bob again. So y’all don’t get bored.

  48. Helen says:

    Fair enough!


  49. Max says:

    Right on Ralph! All the world’s a stage.

  50. Fred Claret says:

    Just as the last hit of BobSmack wears off I hear there’s more gear. Shoot me up man.

    Why is a job better than a wife?

    After 10 years the job still sucks.

  51. marcelo says:

    Cam and Steve,
    Can you guys quickly put up a new show, within the next, say, 3 hours? It’s 9:50pm Queensland time 1980 😉 and I’ve got a long 10 hour shift tomorrow. I’ll need to throw it on my player before 01:00 am. Would really appreciate it

    I just bought The Mighty Boosh season 2, so thats about 3 hours.

    “Man puts knob in fanny” Jesus…, it was so obvious!

  52. ????????? says:

    Glad you recomended Guy Smith, greatest word masturbater since Lord Byron. He’s got the real advaita not the person he rags on in chapter one or two. What does oneness mean to the one that is everything? I listen to you guys talk about being lived . What do you talk about , sex and money, except of course you have one up on the rest of the poor saps in the world you know this is all an appearance. Get cancer or another disease and see how that works for you,” Dr. Phil.” The Niz may have been able to handle it ,but he was in a differant world than most of us!

  53. ????????? says:

    P.S I forgot to mention you also talk about humming birds and the light shining through the trees. Real fucking Hippies. Love you guys you say oneness through and through! Gee I just mowed my lawn it was pure ecstasy . The lawn , the grass, the fuel, you don’t know how at one I feel.

  54. who fucking cares says:

    If there is no sentient beings does a rock exist? If there is no sentient beings does consciousness exist?

  55. zafire says:

    just tuned into a blog site have a look and make a comment

  56. zafire says:

    click on zafire dummy (that’s me)

  57. Does it really matter? says:

    would you rather have a blank page or something on that blank page?

  58. Max says:

    Who gives a shit?

  59. Does it really matter says:

    If it doesn’t matter why reply?

  60. Does it really matter says:

    Cameron do you really beleive in this shit or do you find it a pleasant diversion for your personal gratification? If you don’t want to answer I’ll just assume you do:)

  61. Cameron says:

    Believe? What’s there to believe in? The fact that I don’t exist (as a separate entity) is easily seen. What’s left to believe in? And who should believe in it?

  62. marcelo says:

    The other day, an old friend of mine asked me what all this non duality crap is all about. I tried not to engage with him about this stuff since he’s still trying to figure out why chicken has no taste.

    Now, you’ve probably found out how difficult it is to talk about non-duality to people who haven’t asked themselves ‘who am I’. As I started to back away, he got a little agressive, and took my ‘pulling away’ as a sign of arrogance.

    I stopped pulling away, and he continued to explain how miserable he has been. He looked unhappy and confused. I felt his sadness profoundly, and had a very light discussion.

    I decided to lend him a ‘beginners guide’ I went through my books and couldn’t find anything that wouldn’t scare off someone like my friend or confuse him to the point of losing interest.

    I gave him a Ramesh DVD, Allan Watts mp3 and Douglas Harding mp3.

    Unfortunately I couldn’t find a book.

    Forward one week, after asking for a book. I walked into a cheesy shopping mall called Robina Town Center on the Gold Coast and found Richard Lang’s ‘Seeing Your True Nature’. It was discounted, down to $6.95 from $24.95, there were 7 untouched copies (must’ve been an ordering error). I went to the counter, and popped the book in front of the stretched-happy attendant.

    She was all smiles, and standing in front of an army of ‘The Secret'($34.95). There were at least 80 – 100 copies, all, apparently selling like hotcakes. Infact, just as I walked towards smiley, she was talking to a lady on the phone asking if the store had a copy of ‘The Secret’. As a joke, I said “I’ll take em’ all thanks” I was going to tell her that I was a member of a secret group that is trying to keep ‘the secret’ a secret and that were planning a secret group suicide pact once we collect all the books and sacrifice a chicken and Rhonda Byrne to our almighty chicken God (I always get surreal when I talk about the secret for some reason- here’s a tip, if you wanna piss off your friends, always say The Secret in a very sexy seductive mysterious voice whenever they say something really stupid).

    The entire universe for $6.95 or a Rolex watch for $34.95.

    Maybe were not selling non-duality correctly. “Non-Duality, it’s classier than a Gold watch” what do you reckon?

    Anyway, in my smooth tender seductive hands, I had a book! One thats pretty straight forward, with plenty of visual exercises for those just starting and those that have started but still can’t see.

    I found Douglas Harding only this year, thanks to this show actually (nice one Cam/Steve) and I’d like to say that Douglas Harding was the final stopping of the pendulum. First the Niz, then Bob and then Harding. Untill I did DH’s exercises, there was still a swinging back and forth. The finger pointing experiment stopped me seemingly going back and forth from no thing to some thing etc.
    I had a holy crap moment, not the result of something fantastical, but something so simple, and that was it.

    Can anyone recommend any other begginer books that won’t distort with bizzare religous ideology (all religions) or tiresome confusing history? It doesn’t have to be specifically about non-duality either.

    Cam/Steve… whats the deal guys? I thought we were friends, buddies? I have a poster of you guys up on my wall. I know, I know… there’s no one in charge. Which also means that my question will come up. Which also means that it may be done.

    I had a 10 hour shift cleaning. Which means that you had a 10 hour shift cleaning. Wouldn’t you rather listen to something while you clean other peoples crap, which is really your crap.

    I’ll let it slide this time.

    BTW, I have an empty wall.

  63. marcelo says:

    Richard Langs book is called ‘Seeing who you really are’ not ‘Seeing your true nature’ as written above

  64. Gary says:


    How about suggesting The Advaita Show, podcast #1?

    I’ve found that folks are more receptive to hitting themselves with a rubber mallet than putting up with what must sound like total insanity..

  65. marcelo says:

    I found this Alan Watts movie – right click and save

    thanks Gary

  66. Dan's Hand says:

    C’mon Cameron what’s your plan’s with getting another show going… a number 38?
    Steve (f*ck) Witt is good… I’ve enjoyed the couple of shows you two did together.

    Heck. have an open forum allowing anybody and anyone to skype in and see what happens.. I know you mentioned it awhile back.

    I got to say the most Advaita group is “Dead Can Dance”… the main lead singer, Lisa Gerrard is a total trip. She is actually Austrailian… you got to know her Cameron…
    It sounds like your some big celebrity in your parts… aren’t you!

    Check it out everyone… I’m just curious if there is something here… all the roads come together evetually right. I listen to the old Advaita podcasts way to much… I than tend to listen to the likes of this stuff for example also:

    I like this one to… it’s advaita muisc at it’s best… don’t ask me why?:

    Ok, if anyone likes this you should check out a podcast called
    Spacemusic by TC >> it’s a dude over in Roterdam Amsterdam. I think it’s Advaita music also…

    It’s all in fun anyway…

    Again, CAMERON… STEVE… get another show goin boys… I know you mentioned the ability of the audience to Skype in possibly… Just do it!

    Dan’s Hand!

  67. Cameron says:

    Dan’s hand (aka Mrs Palmer?)

    I do know Lisa Gerrard’s work. I have a couple of her solo albums. I actually met the guy who owns her record label recently and he was telling me how big she is overseas, much bigger than she is here.

    Steve and I nearly did a show last week but didn’t work out. Blame it on “the happening”. 🙂

  68. Dangerous Gary says:

    you guys still alive then?

  69. Helen says:

    I’m with Dan’s hand – let’s have another show. I’m bored with all the guys proving how macho they are with swearing, blinding and talking nonsense!

    Helen in LA

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